Recovering swordtail has black spots?


AC Members
Jul 3, 2021
Hello, this is in a 10g hospital tank. This swordtail has some white film build up but after some water changes in hospital tank, it was all cleared. today, this black stuff appeared on the fish. I just added aquarium salt
Your fish looks like it's not an adult but likely female. What size is it?

I haven't kept swordtails, but do the black specks look like tiny sunken pits or more like surface dots (like freckles on people)? I do know there are many color varieties & mixtures of swords. Some of those may take some time to show up. It hard to tell in pics.

Could you tell us more about her white film & how you treated it?

I have to say you having a hospital tank is really great!! Not everyone does but it's a very nice thing to have. Good job!