Returning to Fish keeping with Fluval Edge

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Aug 4, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
They do. In bottles. The problem is that they come in two major varieties. The live bacteria, which has a very short shelf life before the bacteria starves to death. The live but hibernating bacteria that need specific conditions to awaken and do their thing. You'll have to read up on the particular product to know how it works. They're there to help support the early stages of a cycle, but the cycling still must be done. They kinda act as the biological filtration until the normal cycle is complete.

oo krispy oo

AC Members
Jul 2, 2013
They do. In bottles. The problem is that they come in two major varieties. The live bacteria, which has a very short shelf life before the bacteria starves to death. The live but hibernating bacteria that need specific conditions to awaken and do their thing. You'll have to read up on the particular product to know how it works. They're there to help support the early stages of a cycle, but the cycling still must be done. They kinda act as the biological filtration until the normal cycle is complete.
Hmm, never heard of such a thing. I think I'll just stick to my guns and continue being patient. Though, lately as I drip the 5 drops of nitrite test solution into my vile and watch it instantly turn plum purple, I want to scream. Getting pretty tired of looking at an empty tank.

Also, my LFS finally got a fresh batch of live plants in. Will doing a 50% water change to prevent overflow while rearranging my hardscape/aquatic plants disturb my cycle? Would like to line this thing with 5-6 java fern and add some more river rock.

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Aug 4, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Tetra Safe Start and Seachem Stability are examples.

And no, water change won't stall your cycle. That bacteria doesn't really live in the water column much.

oo krispy oo

AC Members
Jul 2, 2013
Appreciate the info authmi.

but guess what everybody...

I'M CYCLED BABY! That's right. That moment may be as close as I get to experiencing the birth of a child haha.

On a more serious note, I took a picture and from the time I took it to the time I'm typing this, nitrites have gone completely sky blue and are at a finite 0ppm, so disregard the reading pictured.

Nitrates are apparently 10 AND 20ppm because I'm sorry, but those shades of orange on the card are identical. Ammonia is reading at about 2ppm because I dosed it back to 3ppm this afternoon - should be at 0 in the morning. So yah, my tomorrow is going to be fun. 75% water change, addition of java fern and rock, and, that's right, gonna get me some live stock too.

As some of you already know, my tank is a Fluval edge 6. I just want to throw my stock idea out there to clear up any uncertainties of mine, and I know you guys will know best. I'll be stocking at about 7-8pm eastern time tomorrow night.

I'm thinking 6 danio or molly (still undecided), 2 or 3 cherry shrimp, and an otto cat for algae patrol.

That should be alright for a 6 gallon right? How would you recommend I introduce that group of fish and invertebrates? One group at a time? Any particular order? Would love to have a dedicated beta tank, but any I've seen at my LFStores are pretty gnarly looking. Saw some awesome looking ones on aquabid, but I'm a little leery on pulling the trigger on that.

Anyhow, thanks for your time guys. I just grew beneficial bacteria from scratch and that is pretty cool.

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AC Members
Nov 11, 2011
Warren, Maine
My preference would be to introduce the cherry shrimp first and let them get settled. I would also do at least 6. Do some searches on nano fish. I have no doubt you'll fall in love with some of then. There are a couple cory species that are tiny and work in these(of course they need a group) for mid level there are several rasbora and tetra species, Celestial pearl danios(formerly galaxy rasbora) is one that would be on my short list, as well as pseudomugil gertrudae, and I think some of the rice fish would make good choices. Tons of options really.

oo krispy oo

AC Members
Jul 2, 2013
Thanks everyone for your replies.

I'm not too familiar with nano fish and I'm not sure my LFS even carries such livestock. I think I'll grab 4-6 shrimp tonight after my water change just to get some sort of life going in there. I'll have to research and look around for other fish vendors in surrounding towns.

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