Room for one (?) more species...suggestions?

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Mar 4, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
Newbie, looking for sage advice! :bowing:

I have a 33g tank (standard rectangle, 12x36" top)
Started Jan 1; fully cycled.
20% water change weekly
Lightly planted, though more planned.
pH 7.6; nitrates running 10 between water changes.

So far, I have:

7 zebra danios (action)
6 neon tetras (sparkle)
3 black kuhli loaches (comic relief)
1 ghost shrimp (keeps the floors clean)

I'd like to think I have space for one more smaller fish, one that doesn't mind being alone and will behave himself among the neons.

I'm favoring a dwarf gourami at the moment.

Or maybe I should add in the obligatory team of otos and be done? I don't have much algae yet, though it's coming.

What do you think? Any other suggestions?


AC Members
Mar 6, 2006
platies are fun. pretty active fish, and brightly colored. You will want 2-3 females per male though, the males always want to breed, and that will stress out a female. The more females you have per male, the better, give him more females to bother :D

Guppies are a good choice as well, however, if you have other livebearers in the tank, limit how many you have. I am having a problem right now with my guppies (i have 7, all male) trying to mate with my female mollies, of which I have four (very weird, btw to see this), so I installed a tank divider today until I get my 20 gallon tank on wed.


AC Members
Mar 6, 2006
BTW: I have a 55 gallon with 10 zebra danios, 10 neon tetras, 7 guppies, 6 black neons (going to be 10 once the guppies get there own tank), 6 mollies, 4 harlequin rasboras, 3 silver hatchet fish, 3 lemon tetras, 1 clown loach, 1 ghost shrimp. my system is very stable, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 30 nitrate, 7.4 ph, 78* F. Has been at those parameters for the past three weeks with no spikes. Nitrate decreased from 40ppm last week to 30 this week.