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Sep 8, 2003
Davis CA
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go for africans

i think with your size tank and your desire to get a big variety, you should dump the idea of americans and get africans, i like africans better, more color, around the same personality, and some are really mean if you like that. you could go for cobalt zebras, or pseudotropheus, or both, maybe like 3 or 4 of each in a 45, just ask questions before you purchase. or you could do tanganyikans and have an even large variety and more biodiversity.

go for the Africans, Americans really need huge tanks in general.


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Sep 1, 2003
winnetka, Il
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GER1023 - "The smaller the tank the more aggressive fish get ok."
although i agree that the jag will eventually outgrow his tank this above statement is false in fact its the exact opposite. The smaller the space the less likely fish like cichlids will be able to establish dominance of a particular area. Larger tanks allow fish to establish dominace over a particular area of the tank. a perfect example of this is when you go to a LFS and see a dozen varieties of cichlid surviving in the same small tank.


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Jun 18, 2003
New York
The smaller the space...and more likely Jag will kill anything on his way just because he wants his space and territory.

If a Jag lives in a 300g tank with a Midas, do you really think Jag will be more aggressive? A big tank...the fish gets more areas that they can mark as their own. In smaller tank...well, lets say who comes first or stronger gets the spot.

IMO, cichlids become aggressive when they mark a territory and some fish transpass or they are breeding.

In LFS, those are temporary home. And you actually think they live in harmony? I have seen a 7" Jag lived in a 55g tank with a 4" Carpinte. Who got chase and attack? Hmm...
There was also 3 12" Pacus living with a 4" Buttikorferi in 75g tank. Guess who got attack?

Who rules the tank really depends on the fish either big or small tank. We all know the Jag that lives with severums, con, and firemouth will eventually rule the tank (even if the tank was 125g). Jag's tankmate...gotta be able to defend himself.


Dec 30, 2002
Dayton area of ohio
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Originally posted by matty150
GER1023 - "The smaller the tank the more aggressive fish get ok."
although i agree that the jag will eventually outgrow his tank this above statement is false in fact its the exact opposite. The smaller the space the less likely fish like cichlids will be able to establish dominance of a particular area. Larger tanks allow fish to establish dominace over a particular area of the tank. a perfect example of this is when you go to a LFS and see a dozen varieties of cichlid surviving in the same small tank.
My friend you are entirely mistaken. Some mbuna are able to be kept in this theory of higher numbers limiting aggression because they usually tend to work it out that way. However you WILL NOT be successful with this theory keeping new worlds. yes you see plenty of juvi jags and midas at your LFS in the same tank. Even at a young age I guarantee there is bickering, but they haven't reached their devastating nature carried by full grown specimens. I can promise you though, you give a male jag a smaller tank and then add a fish just because you think that the jag wont' dominate due to not being able to establish territory and that other fish will be an expensive snack once the jag reachs maturity if not before. Central/south americans WILL establish a territory whether the tank is a 55 gallon or a 5500 gallon, just the bigger tank eases the aggression because there isn't such limited space to fight for or defend. Bottom line for cichlid boy here is that jag WILL grow up, it WILL claim that whole tank as its own and it WILL kill everything else in there. So my friend your theory is the exact opposite of what is true for neotropicals :cool:
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