Soupysteve's 40gallon breeder journal

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Apathetic Master
Aug 24, 2008
Ozarks - Springfield, Mo
Real Name
Stephen Hess
Camera Used
Samsung Galaxy 7 Active
The second filter has made a noticeable difference in the tank. Theres more flow and the water seems to have less particulate in it.

The additional flow seems to influence duckweed growth :sigh: I'll do my best to keep it from getting as dense as it has in the past.
The dude at the LFS suggested less lighting - so I'll drop it down to 8 hrs.
The second rubber-nose and the original (larger) rubber-nose pleco don't seem to mind each other. I think a third may be a bit much - no matter hoe much wood is in the tank.
I picked up 4 cory cats - making my group 6 strong! The two original ones looked excited to have new tank mates.
I bought 4 "ottos" binging the total to 7.


AC Members
Oct 3, 2006
You know that both otos and plecos eat algae, right? Are you supplementing their diet with any vegetables or wafers?


Apathetic Master
Aug 24, 2008
Ozarks - Springfield, Mo
Real Name
Stephen Hess
Camera Used
Samsung Galaxy 7 Active
Quick update:
The "otos" I got the other day are looking very fat and happy. I guess I never got a good count of them before... as it turns out, I have NINE of them... they were schooling together this AM.
I've not lost a single neon in weeks now!
The larger of my rubber-nosed plecos has kind of decided that one small, flat rock in the center of the tank is his "couch" and is often seen lounging there.
As I mentioned in my last post, the LFS suggested I cut down on my photoperiod to try to control my hair/fuzzy/staghorn algae outbreak. Will this bother my PLANTS? The LFS also suggested an antibiotic to put in the tank to control the outbreak... but I've always gone with the whole "less technology - more biology" ethos...

C98Hall - the reason I bought the "ottos" and plecos was for algae removal. I'll supplement their feedings once they have cleaned up the tank - as for now, they can stay fat and happy eating what is already in there!
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AC Members
May 10, 2008
Real Name
The plants you have should be fine with an 8-hr photo period. Do you know the scientific name for your "rubber nosed" plecos? Most plecos don't really eat algae, just plant matter. The ottos will eat algae, but not all kinds. They'll eat the brown diatomaceous film and the soft green algae, but that's about it. I believe real siamese algae eaters eat staghorn algae, but they get about 5 in. as adults. Good luck combating the algae with chemicals, hopefully it'll work for you.


AC Members
Feb 5, 2007
Santa Barbara area
I agree, no point in adding meds to the tank as the fish seem to be doing better. Also agree reducing light should be no problem. I'm not clear as to how many watts you are running?
Also do you add tap water to your RO/DI water or mix in RO Right?


Apathetic Master
Aug 24, 2008
Ozarks - Springfield, Mo
Real Name
Stephen Hess
Camera Used
Samsung Galaxy 7 Active
Saram521 - I've seen the fish I call "rubber-nosed" sold as rubber-nosed and rubber-lipped. I'll try to post this video from my tank... maybe I can show you all my types of algae AND my pleco... Also, I only plan to treat my tank with chemicals as a last resort. I've read that excel will get rid of most of this - but if my fish are eating it, I may let them take care of it instead.
gmh - The lights I have are TWO 36" 63 watt florescent fixtures with polished reflectors. I have a RO/DI unit that I use for water changes in this tank and top off for my reef tank. When I do my water changes, I shut off my two filters, siphon off all the algae, and pull out 5 gallons. I then just dump 5 gallons of fresh RO into the tank (slowly) off of the BIG rock on the left side of the tank.

... just waiting on youtube to "approve" my videos...

my apologies in advance for the quality... it's offa my cellphone, waddaya expect??
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AC Members
Feb 5, 2007
Santa Barbara area
Thanks for the video, Soupysteve. So you are running about 3 watts per gallon over a lightly planted tank. That explains the algae problem.
You could probably reduce the photoperiod even more or add lots more plants and dose ferts to help combat the algae.
Or just use one set of lights most of the time.
I also wonder if your water is hard enough. Do you test for GH/KH? Pure RO should be mixed with some tapwater to add some minerals.
Oh, and I would stop using that PH down additive if you havent already. Maybe that stuff or the lack of minerals stressed the neons.


Apathetic Master
Aug 24, 2008
Ozarks - Springfield, Mo
Real Name
Stephen Hess
Camera Used
Samsung Galaxy 7 Active
gmh - you shouldn't thank me for that video... I really posted it just to show how terribly my phone takes aquarium videos! I've set the timer on one of the two fixtures for 8 hours - the other fixture is left off of a timer (only gets turned on when I feel like seeing the back half of the tank lit up as brightly as the front).
The water here in the Ozarks is naturally pretty hard - enough that there are lime deposits on EVERYTHING that has tap coming out of it in our home. Maybe I will start mixing some tap with my RO/DI - I just won't even drink it, so I really had no inclination to add it to my tanks.
I went to take the pics of my "un-ID'd" pleco. The camera is so "old school" that it took 3.5" floppy disks - and the PC I have now doesn't have a drive for them... so I snapped another shot of each of my plecos (they were closer to the glass this time).

Here goes...

PIC-0164.jpg PIC-0165.jpg


Apathetic Master
Aug 24, 2008
Ozarks - Springfield, Mo
Real Name
Stephen Hess
Camera Used
Samsung Galaxy 7 Active
... not sure if it was the addition of the "ottos" , the rubbernose, or the reduction in photoperiod... whatever it was, I AM SEEING less and less hair algae!


Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!

Now, if I could snap my fingers and find a buyer for all my livestock, liverock, and lighting for my 110 reef so I can convert it to a sweet planted discus tank...