Spine-twisting in Cardinal and other Tetras - causes/cures?

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I have kep Cardinal Tetras for 25 years, and only in the last two or three have I begun to have a problem with them developing crippling twists in their spines. I have noticed that this can come on quite quickly, and sometimes regress quite a bit then reappear. All of them seem to eventually succumb.

Because they are wild caught(?) it cannot be a genetic problem. So what should I suspect as the cause?

I know that they don't do well on foods like TetraMin - I strongly suspect all of the Soy (especially American GM Soy :yuck:) is not doing them any favours health-wise - but other than that, what might be causing it?

Most importantly, is there anything I can do to prevent it?


finkids make me happy :-)
Mar 17, 2008
Deadmonton, lol, Canada
Real Name
Sherry N.
one of the symptoms of fish tuberculosis is spine deformity. possibly this is the problem in your fish?

if it is fish TB, i might guess that there are fish in your tank that are transmitting the TB to the new fish. the transmitter fish may be carriers and not be showing any deformities themselves?

on a side note, fish TB is contagious, so make sure you aren't sharing any equipment between this tank and others (things like gravel vac's, nets, etc). and ensure that the infected tank has maintenance done last on maintenance day, so your hands don't cross contaminate your tanks. watch your hands for any cuts or abrasions, as fish TB can infect people too!

some links for you:




http://badmanstropicalfish.com/fish_palace/tropicalfish_disease_identification.html (scroll about halfway down)


finkids make me happy :-)
Mar 17, 2008
Deadmonton, lol, Canada
Real Name
Sherry N.
Yikes, I'm so glad I asked! Thank you.

Can it be treated in the tank?

Is your avatar a picture of a fishkeeper who was not carefuly about cuts on their hands? :eek:
there have been successful treatments done, albeit not easy at all. some of my reading on the subject was done here (i have no personal experience with fish TB, thank goodness!):




i really hope this isn't what your are dealing with in your tank though!

as for the avatar, lol, nope. that's a skeleton walking his oscar (aka 'fishdog'), lol!