SW Fish Profiles

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Chaetodipterus faber

Scientific Name: Chaetodipterus faber

Common Names: Atlantic Spadefish

Care Level: Relatively easy

Adult Size: 35.8in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Tropical Western Atlantic

Temperament/Behaviour: Moderately peaceful

Compatible Tank mates: Blennies, Angels, Cardinalfish, and Surgeonfish.

Diet: Varied diet, including meaty foods, such as pieces of fresh shrimp, scallop and vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, as well as frozen preparations for herbivores.

Tank Size For Adult: 500+ gal

Narrative: Will eat many types of sessile invertebrates, including some corals and anemones. Forming impressive schools in the wild, this elegantly shaped fish has an appearance suggestive of the large angelfishes. For the aquarist with an immense tank, it will readily adapt to captivity, and it can be kept in pairs or groups. Small specimens are shy and often picked on by more-aggressive tankmates, and they should only be housed with more p[peaceful species. Adults become more self-assured and succumb less often to tankmates aggression. As this fish matures, it becomes more active and needs plenty of swimming space. Unfortunately it gets too large for most home aquariums.

Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com


Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Platax orbicularis

Scientific Name: Platax orbicularis

Common Names: Orbiculate Batfish (Orbic Platax, Orbic Batfish)

Care Level: Moderately easy

Adult Size: 22.4in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Indo-Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Moderately peaceful

Compatible Tank mates: Blennies, Angels, Cardinalfish, and Surgeonfish.

Diet: Varied diet, including meaty foods, such as pieces of fresh shrimp, scallop and vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, as well as frozen preparations for herbivores.

Tank Size For Adult: 200gal

Narrative: Will eat many types of sessile invertebrates, including some corals and anemones. Unusual and interesting. Juveniles of this species are often purchased by well-intentioned hobbyists who do not recognise their growth potential. This is a hardy species, although it often comes down with ich (easily treated with copper-based medications). It should be in a deep tank provided with plenty of unobstructed swimming room. Juveniles should be housed with non-aggressive species. They are generally peaceful, and more than one can be kept per tank. Adults can be housed with moderately aggressive forms, but do not keep with potential fin nippers, such as puffers. They will learn to take food from the aquarists’ hand.

Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com


Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Platax pinnatus

Scientific Name: Platax pinnatus

Common Names: Pinnate Batfish (Pinnate Platax, Redfin Batfish)

Care Level: Difficult

Adult Size: 17.7in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Western pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Peaceful

Compatible Tank mates: Blennies, Angels, Cardinalfish, and Surgeonfish.

Diet: Often difficult to feed and thus best left in the wild. Some individuals will take vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, live black worms, small pieces of fresh shrimp, squid, frozen mysid shrimp, and frozen preparations for herbivores.

Tank Size For Adult: 200gal (757l)

Narrative: Will eat many types of sessile invertebrates, including some corals and anemones. The exquisite juveniles of this species appear with some regularity in the aquarium trade, but they should be avoided by all but the most experienced aquarists. Most will refuse to feed and are destined to starve. House in a deep tank and provide with plenty of unobstructed swimming room. Unlike its relatives, it is shy and will need suitable hiding places and nonaggressive tankmates. A peaceful species – more than one can be kept per tank. Again, specimens that feed and thrive are the exception, not the rule.

Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com


Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Platax teira

Scientific Name: Platax teira

Common Names: Longfin Batfish (Longfin Platax, Teira Batfish)

Care Level: Relatively Difficult

Adult Size: 23.6in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Indo-West-Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Peaceful

Compatible Tank mates: Blennies, Angels, Cardinalfish, and Surgeonfish.

Diet: Varied diet, including meaty foods, such as pieces of fresh shrimp, scallop, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, as well as frozen preparations for herbivores.

Tank Size For Adult: 200gal (757l)

Narrative: Will eat many types of sessile invertebrates, including some corals and anemones. This fish has beautiful, long, flowing fins and can become a true pet – feeding from its owners fingers – but unfortunately it will outgrow the majority of home aquariums. Like its cousins, it is susceptible to ich (easily treated with copper-based medications). Should be kept in a deep tank and provided with plenty of unobstructed swimming room and only moderate currents. Juveniles should be housed with peaceful species. They are not aggressive; more than one can be kept per tank. Adults can be housed with moderately aggressive forms, but not with potential fin nippers.

Courtsy of WetWebMedia.com


Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Siganus vulpinus

Scientific Name: Siganus vulpinus

Common Names: Foxface Rabbitfish

Care Level: Easy

Adult Size: 7.4in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Western Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Relatively Peaceful

Compatible Tank mates: Blennies, Angels, Cardinalfish, and Surgeonfish.

Diet: Varied diet, mostly vegetable matter. Feed dried and frozen herbivore foods that contain marine algae and the blue-green alga Spirulina. Supplement with pieces of zucchini, broccoli, leaf lettuce, and sushi nori (dried seaweed).

Tank Size For Adult: 75 gal (284l)

Narrative: Venomous. Will browse on desirable and undesirable algae. If well fed, will typically ignore corals, although some will nip and even eat large-polyped species and certain soft corals. The rabbitfishes are attractive and hardy fishes that fare well in newly established aquariums. Some have been known to survive “wipe outs” that killed every other fish in the tank. This species is among the more aggressive in the genus. Juveniles will often put up with conspecifics, but adults will fight unless they are of the opposite sex and pair up. Will ignore unrelated fish species. Venomous spines - handle with care.

Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com​