There's something with my goldfish's eye

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Registered Member
Feb 26, 2009
:help: OK, so I came home today and noticed that the water in my fishtank was extremely cloudy. When I left this morning it was pretty clear and then I came home & saw it and was just thinking 'What the heck?' And then I noticed something floating around one of my fish's eyes that was attached to it. I thought it was a flake of food and got closer to see how the piece of food got stuck onto my fish's eye and I noticed it was it's eye or eye covering, or whatever you call that. And its other eye is kind of red with I guess blood. I don't know what has happened. Is it possible that it could have cut it's eye(s) on the decor in the tank or would it be a type of disease? Please help me! I love my goldfish and I don't want it to get to my other fish if it's a disease! :confused:


AC Members
Apr 8, 2008
Tallahassee FL
its sounds like cloudy eye, or an early sign of popeye. its very possible that it could have scratched its eye on a decoration. your other goldfish will probably be fine. im no expert on meds, but iv had good results treating with melafix


Befriend a feeder!
Oct 17, 2006
Southern California
Welcome to AC daisy! :welcome:
It's possible that your fish injured itself on tank decorations, or that another fish attacked it. It's certainly not pop-eye. If you were looking at pop-eye, which is usually a sign of a bacterial infection, the fish's eyes would be popped out but still intact. Your fish sounds like it has somehow been injured and parts of the eyes are hanging off the fish.
Right now you will need to do a large (70% or more) water change with dechlorinated water to ensure your fish has the cleanest environment possible.
As far as medications or further treatment, we need to know more about your tank first.
What size tank is this?
What kind of filter are you using?
How many fish (and what kind) are in the tank?
How long has this tank been set up?
What decorations are in the tank?

Best of luck, and keep us updated.