To Like or Not To Like.....

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AC Members
Aug 31, 2005
Upstate NY
Well i was confused at first - but the last post i understood a bit better (the one before my hijack).

I think a slightly improved punctuation and a little more structure (including paragraphs) might help to get your point across better.

BTW - my punctuation sucks bigtime. But i always use the excuse that english isn't my native language - works every time. ;)

End of :OT:


Everything's eventual.
Aug 13, 2003
New Hampshire Seacoast Area
Visit site
Hannys_Papa said:
But i always use the excuse that english isn't my native language - works every time. ;)
Not for me it doesn't. Your English is better than half of the native speakers here. Find a new excuse:D


Jan 11, 2006
Cape Fear River Basin
knotty47 said:
Ok, ok lets have a bit of calm.....the important thing is not to get 'this' out of context! Now, i'm unclear what 'this' is and i'm sure i have no idea what context it was said in, but one thing i am sure of is leave 'this' 'in'. Like all things 'this' probably doesn't like being moved 'out' of anything, especially if its got to go back 'in'. 'This' like 'that' should surely be left comfortably sandwhiched between the warm bossom of context and no where else. Well i hope we are all clear now on the subject of 'this' i really hope we are....i would donate my kidneys to the devil if someone responseable just told me they knew what was going on......please!

I think Fatman-oops, excuse me, Batman/knotty47 has said it best (please don't be offended, I just happen to have a healthy sense of humor, dude!! Love the avatar! :p: ) Life is too freakin' short to get one's knickers in a twist over something said in a chatroom. Honestly. Durn kind of crap like this gives me hemm-rehoyds [sic]. Gotta get back to the chats. . . . lol


Senior Member, Sophomoric Attitude
Feb 16, 2002
Syracuse, NY
What the H377 is going on? Hannys, you drove to liverpool from where you are and didn't stop by? You do realize that shipping is free if you pick stuff up! LOL :D
Man, I have NO clue what all this "in" "out" "comments about others" stuff is about...well, I have a crazy guess :rolleyes: , but ime, those that shun others here (other than trolls) are typically corrected.

Personally, I think alternate views should be considered and stimulates thinking. I didn't make things worse by saying "stimulates" did I? Saying someone is "hot" "cute" or "nothing to scoff at" (who says that anyway?) is a statement about appearance. If people were more free with positive comments, we may all feel a little better about ourselves. If someone is offended by it, that should be noted and corrective courtesies taken. We are civilized aren't we? I think I'm lost... :hi:

Under gravel filters? RUGF are waaaay better. pH can be altered different ways, CO2 injection for instance which has little effect on the fish. Generally, it's the osmotic difference brought on by shifts in pH that inevitably does the fish in, not pH per se. Check fresh water diy, general fresh for plenty of discussion on this, just so you're not feeling ignored ;)

Leopardess, as the avatar!!!



Mar 15, 2006
Syracuse, N.Y.
Well Bviking I think at this point i'm lost too and I started the thread lol anyways I agree with you on everything... except i'm not sure I have a favorite type of filter they all have there pros and cons. :dive2:


Global Moderator
Aug 27, 2002
Roselle Park, NJ
Real Name
ok, lemme get this straight. You got some advice in a thread, maybe a couple negative posts, some inside jokes included and you were put off by them but that's not the point. The point is, you received some help and seemed to make a friendly connection with someone in a thread, afterwards, you stumbled into the chat room and saw this person or persons and was ignored due to a clique that was going on?
I don't know if this is the scenerio, I'm just guessing as I've already stated my confusion. What the point is I want to make is about "cliques". I don't seem to get why people assume there are "cliques" in the first place. Sure, there are some that are closer to each other than others but when in the chat room (where I'm guessing is where the problem stemmed), you go there and you chime in. Sure, sometimes others are in a conversation and don't answer your comment but keep going. To blame the thought of being ignored on cliques is somewhat silly and reads to me like there's a confidence problem. When in the chat room, not everyone talks to everyone because some people are away from the PC, I don't think there's deliberate ignorance. But, this is also my opinion, so do with it what you will. If this comes off as offensive, my apoogies, it's not meant to, it's more driven at being constructive.


Mar 15, 2006
Syracuse, N.Y.
Thanks for your opinion dangerdoll but I will say it again, it had nothing to do with the chat room and it wasnt me that was snubbed. I guess it could sound that way, well at least my first post before I stated that it was not in a chat and it wasnt me that was snubbed. I was just an onlooker that got offended. Wow apparently some people think I have a problem in the chat room.... I was not aware of this... just because I made a sarcastic comment or two dosent mean that I have esteem issues lol, I guess from now on ill keep my sarcasm to myself, now that I know it sounds serious to some of you. I never knew my thread would get such a rise out of people. From now on I will try to be more constructive about my opinions and use better wording to get my point across. Thanks for enlightening me indirectly to this everyone.


Global Moderator
Aug 27, 2002
Roselle Park, NJ
Real Name
my apologies for not seeing that you were referring to someone else, trick... however, when you mentioned your first post, I never got the hint of your post being "sarcastic" but more of a rant of some things you didn't like here somewhere. Sarcasm is expected to get some positive, some negative posts... depends on the sarcasm, I guess. Maybe if the thread was linked, the situation you mention would be more understandable and less confusing. You mention you will try to be more constructive of your opinions, that's what I thought your first comment was... a constructive thought and others just responded to it. I think the seriousness is taken because we just all want a friendly site and most of us think this is one, it's by far one of the best I've seen.... I must admit, I don't look at every thread but when I do see something getting out of hand, I either report it or try to set things straight with the question-or... but this is my and again, my opinion. I say, be yourself girl, and post away your feelings at GCC. not everyone has to agree with you, that's what it's all about.


Mar 15, 2006
Syracuse, N.Y.
well this turned out to be a crazy thread anyways I love you all and I am off to satiate the hubbys need for sustinence be good have fun and stay real till tomorrw peace :cool2:


AC Members
Aug 31, 2005
Upstate NY
beviking said:
What the H377 is going on? Hannys, you drove to liverpool from where you are and didn't stop by? You do realize that shipping is free if you pick stuff up! LOL :D
Oh i know ;)
(here i go hijacking again)
I was in the area for business reason so i couldn't really stop to pick up some snails and a bag of plants. LOL
I just realized however the LESCO i want to get some Soilmaster Select charcoal is RIGHT down the road from you :duh: - so when i'll get that stuff i'm probably gonna ask to see if i can stop by.
I am not the person to show up on anyones doorstep unannounced (sp?) - or even short notice.