vivarium bamboo

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American Idiot
Aug 23, 2005
Hastings, NE
I think thats the term for a land water set up descigned around aquatic animals. If any of you remember that thread a few months ago, asking about it. Well my mom hated the bamboo, but couldn't get rid of it because it was a gift from her sister. we descided to toss it into the mudskipper tank and find a neturalo salinity that all are fine with. it looks good and the tree frog and fire bellied toad love to climb them. I just got the idea to get lucky bamboo. for those of you who don't know this is bamboo that has been grown so the stalks curve and create several spiraling rings. this would give an even more interesting appearence and the frog/toad will love to climb it and play in the rings like a plant playground. the enhancing chimicalsd placed in them at the store, will this harm the tank? I hope to gradually buy plants that will work and turn this into a forest of bamboo and other plants.