FS Water Lettuce & Parrot's Feather cuttings - Pomona, CA - Shipping/PU

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AC Members
Nov 19, 2010
Columbia, MO
I have some water lettuce sizes ranging from small to large. I have 2 large, 7 medium, and a lot of small (about 25).
These water lettuces are the regular kind, so they do get big. They're different from the dwarf water lettuces. These are really good for getting rid of your nitrates. So if you want to plop one into your tank as a floater, that's good too. These are great pond plants. Provides shade and a place to hide for your fish.

I also have some parrot's feather that's growing too fast for me. They're taking over my pond and I need to trim them. So if anybody wants some parrot's feather cuttings, I can do that too. You can grow them in your tank, pond, etc. Mine are growing half submerged and half emersed. I'll be cutting the emersed portion of the plant, so if you decide to plant them submerged, they might die-off first and them grow to their submerged version.

Prices are:

Large water lettuce - $1 each
Medium water lettuce - $0.50 each
Small water lettuce - $0.50 for 3

Parrot's feather cuttings - $1 for 3 large stems.

I don't have any cold packs, so if it's really hot around your area, the plant will melt or die.
So please keep the current weather and temperature in your area in mind.

Priority shipping is $6.

Thanks for looking! :)


btw, these pictures come out sideways whenever i upload them here.. I dont know why. haha

WaterLettuce.jpg waterlettuce2.jpg parrotsfeather.jpg
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