What are the costs of a tank? And opinions on the setup I've got planned.

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Mar 3, 2011
Columbia, SC
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Sometimes I wish I was from Vegas, or NYC where there's plenty of craigslists within reasonable distances. Alas I live in BFE SC, by choice of course. The only craigslist center within a decent distance is Greenville, SC. Every other one is ~ 2hrs one way. Driving 4hrs to pickup a used 20g Long and a stand is not happening.
I'm also in SC (Columbia) and I can tell you from watching Craigslist in the area for a while that you're probably better off going to the local fish place (or PetCo / PetSmart / Pet Supplies Plus, whatever they have up in Clemson; my sister went there but I'm not that familiar with the area) and buying a new, bare tank and a Perfecto glass top for it. Looks like there's a PetSmart about 13 miles outside of Clemson in Anderson. First though I'd go to Sandlapper Aquatics (http://www.sandlapperaquatics.com/) which looks like a pretty good local fish store up there, based on some google reviews and such. They seem very marine focused and heavy on the service / setup aspect, but there's no harm going down the street and asking if he has a few old tanks / filters / whatever sitting around he'd be willing to sell for a reasonable price to someone looking to get in to the hobby, or just checking it out if you haven't already. Don't know about you but I love just wandering around fish stores.

I'd reiterate the recommendation for a canister filter if this is going to be in your room where you sleep, or even in the next room / a small apartment. I'm running a Penguin Biowheel 350B on a 20G right next to my bed, and it's being replaced with a canister this weekend after switching out another hang-on-the-back power filter for a big Chinese eBay canister a couple months ago and discovering filters don't have to be loud! My Odyssea CFS 500 (I do not recommend this particular model to most people, as it requires extensive modification and some wrong-sized o-rings replaced to be effective / not self destruct over time) is so quiet I have to touch it sometimes to check that it's on.

I'll also reiterate that it doesn't have to be crazy expensive.

$30 tank (PetSmart)
$20 Perfecto glass top or similar (optional but helps with evaporation a lot)
$20 Ebo-Jager heater (these are awesome and not that expensive. Only way to fly. Order online.)
$40 eBay special Odyssea brand 2x24" T5 HO fixture with bulbs (really optional, might even be too much light, I am still learning about planted tanks -- could always start with low light plants, or use two clip-on desk lights and twirly CCFLs like the link)
$50 eBay special Sunsun or Jebo brand canister filter (pretty sure they're exactly the same thing)

$160. Plus plants and fish. I recommend you buy plants off other users at plantedtank.net and here, and maybe supplement with a few from PetSmart to get you started)


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Mar 20, 2004
Clemson, SC
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I've actually been by Sandlapper, but didn't ask about tanks or anything because it seemed like they were only doing large saltwater tanks. I'll stop in today and see if they have anything smaller around. That's a good idea!

I am getting a little anxious and ready to just hit Petsmart and get it over with. The only 20L I've seen on craigslist I posted in this thread earlier. They wanted $70 bucks for it.

You're from sc, are you a member here? http://scaquariacom.ipage.com/index.php It's a new forum, but I think it's going to workout to be a cool place for SC aquarium keepers.

The Sandlapper visit is going to be a nice study break today. Finals next week. Ugh.