What fish are good for 10 gal with a Male betta?

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Melancholy Dreamer
Feb 12, 2005
I'm NEW and I'm trying to get suggestions on what I can put with my Betta George in a 10 gal tank. I'm a beginner too. He's my third betta.

Also I had questions on Filteration. I was going to get an undergravel filter and then use my 3 gal filter. Is that enough or should I get a 10 gal filter also instead of using my 3 gal filter?

I'm thinking of some Fancy tail guppies, cory catfish or two, and some neon tetras. I was also going to use a divider for a first month so george can get used to seeing the other fish but not chasing them.

Also this is just a tank to keep in my office but George lives in the office right now too.

OH and P.S. I get a lot of FREE fish tanks if there is anyone in Columbus Ohio area looking for them. I work for a Property Presevation Company and when we trashout REPO houses the workers bring me all the Fishtank things. I found a 55 gal for my boyfriend with the Hood, light and filter and that's were I got a 10 gal. I also have I think 35 gal? I'll have to measure it. So if your looking for a free tank just ask and I might have one. Usually they need a lil repair like sillacon or general cleaning.


My Betta Malaria
Jan 5, 2005
Welcome to AC! I think you'll find all the info you need here on AC!

I would go with 3-4 cory cats. They get along well with bettas, I have 4 with my betta in a 10g and they are very happy! Guppies generally arent good with bettas because a betta will mistake them for another betta because of the long fins. I would go with just the cories, live plants, and I'm pretty sure you'll be happy with them!

As for the filter: I'm not sure what you should get, as most bettas don't like the strong current of most filters. So, whatever you end up using, make sure the currrent isnt too strong.

What are you using as substrate? UGFs work fine with gravel, but not if you have sand! GoodLuck, and please post pics when you are done, I love seeing other peoples bettas/setups!


AC Members
Jan 16, 2005
I have a male betta, 2 ADF and 2 white clouds in a 5 gal. I found out the white clouds usually prefer slightly cooler waters but mine seem to be doing fine?


Melancholy Dreamer
Feb 12, 2005

I think after doing some research I've decided a lil bit on what I would like 4 neon tetras, 2 cory catfish, 1 algea eater, try two fancy tail guppies but I'll seperate them for the first month I might just put his tank next to the 10 gal so he can see or I'll get a qurantine thingie for him. I was looking at the Molly but I think it might be bad since they have big fins too. I'll have to research that one more.

George seems to be doing good with his filter. The first day he was annoyed but now he's used to it and he knows if he needs a quiet place he just hides underneath it. I only leave it on while I'm in the office.

I can't do live plants yet maybe in a couple months after I get everything set up.

george1.jpg george2.jpg


AC Members
Jan 16, 2005
betta will likely go after a male guppy because of the fins i believe.


AC Members
Sep 9, 2004
You could make it a mini-biotope tank with a Dwarf Gourami and about 5 Zebra Danios. Add some aquarium safe bogwood as a center peice with a small Java Fern attached (very easily grown and will not outgrow a 10 Gallon) This will provide all the cover the fish need and you should be fine (the plant will discourage algae, help stabalize the water and much more importantly take harmful substances from the water).

Make sure you buy the appropriate water testing kits and test your water. I would not add anymore fish untill the tank has been set up for at least 4-6 weeks, as this will allow more benefitial bacteria to grow within the tank.

Good Luck! :)

PS: I would really go with the plant regardless of your descision of fish or setup simply because of the benefits I mentioned.


Betta lover!
Jan 4, 2005
British Columbia
The Betta won't necessarily go after the guppies. There is a big chance he will, but also a slight chance he wont. I keep male and female bettas with guppies and haven't had a problem, but the fact that your tank is a 10G, as opposed to my 55G, there's a bigger chance of the guppies getting nipped. It all depends, of course, on George's personality. When you have him separated, see how aggressively he acts toward the other fish. If he flares up a lot, guppies aren't the best choice. If he doesn't seem to care that they are there, it's worth a shot. You can always temporarily separate them again and return the guppies if there's a problem. Neon tetras are fine with Bettas, and of course cories are too. So, good luck and let us know what you decide :)


Educated Idiot
Dec 15, 2004
San Angelo, TX
Avoid dwarf gouramis, fancy goldfish, other bettas, guppies, angelifish... pretty much anything that has a lot of fin or is a labyrinth fish (like gouramis and bettas). Really, 4 neon tetras and the betta woul be plenty for a 10 gallon tank, without adding an algae eater and two corries and guppies. If you added all of those the tank would be overstocked and overstocking a small tank is basically a time bomb. Eventually water quality will get out of hand (you'll forget to change it one week, or be out of town, something) and then fish may perish. Also, with a high bio-load algae can be a real problem, but that's really the least of your worries as it is only asthetically displeasing. I really think you should look at the betta as your "showpiece" for the tank and then work around him. The suggestion of cories is a great one. Pygmy cories would be awesome. You could get 6 in the ten gallon easily and they will swim around in a little pack. They also utilize more of the tank than regular cories, swimming to mid level in open water. I would consider that.


AC Members
Sep 9, 2004
Now that I looked back on it, the dwarf gouramis were kept in a tank with bettas that was a 20 gallon tank, so they could get away from each other easily. But the Danios and the Java fern are really compatible in a 10 gallon with the betta as are neons and various other fish. I would'nt do the livebearers, and stay away from barbs as the Betta may not like the guppies also they get larger than some of your other choices and you could'nt keep as many, and barbs will nip his fins and bully George.