What is the easiest way to clean this?

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AC Members
May 9, 2009
Chicagoland, Illinois
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That was probably hornwort I didn't like it much either. It just shedd all its needs and made a mess.

I have had guppy fry they are the easiest, as long as they are alive they will breed.

I also had some sparkling gourmi breed, that was awesome. I actually got to watch them spawn it was very cool. The male displays and gets really blue and sparkly and the female touches him with her nose. He then swims up next to her and they wrap themselves around each other and they fall to the ground and she drops a egg, he grabs the egg in his mouth and swims it up to the bubble nest he created and places it in, then comes back to the female and do it again. It goes on for hours then he guards the nest and keeps the fry in the nest when they fall out. I kept the fry for about a month before they all died, they were crazy tiny since they hatch from eggs and even the adults are only like a inch long. It was very hard to keep them alive, not really a begginer fish to breed it just happened.


AC Members
Dec 7, 2011
Thanks guys for all your help! Aviva, I will def come back and post some pics. super excited ... And yes your reccomendations were great!
Brad, that sounds soooooo cool!!! Would love to see something like that! Funny thing, the first thing I added to my tank was plants and some snails must have been on there because now i have like 10 and i have seen babies. It was Hornworth... that plant made a mess. What a waste! lol


AC Members
Dec 7, 2011
Can't wait to see what you decide to go with, and for pics :) Hope you like my recommendations :eek:

Here is the new plants and added one fancy tail guppy... now day one and two this guppy was swiming all over... now he seems to like to hang around the top in the floating plant... is this normal?