what is your favorite canister filter?

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the casual hobbyist
Dec 3, 2007
^uhhh...which one should i talk good about? Magnum 350...never tried one but I've read about about them being really good water polishers. Marineland C-360...also never tried one. I was interested in buying one because I liked the design and engineering going into it (basket gaskets and the attempt to eliminate bypass, as well as including bioballs).

Eheim...Here's one I actually have. I have a 2215. When I started moving stuff over from my old tank to the new one, I setup the 2215 to start building up bacteria and cleaning up the water from the used substrate. I started out with really cloudy water the night before and woke up to clear water. I was amazed by the filtration. I am also impressed at how much flow it has, even when dirty.

Fluval 205: Not a bad filter, but not perfect either. Wished they used standard hoses instead of the ribbed one but I see their intentions. I like the aquastop valve, except when it weeps a little water when I adjust the flowrate. It's my first canister so I'm a fan of it. I just like my Eheim more now.


Monster Tank Builder
May 29, 2007
New Orleans, LA
Out of all the ones I've tried, my xP3 has to be my favorite. It's design is easy to work with and efficient. The Eheims and Fluvals I've had have worked well, but not as well.

The 2215 is similar to the ones I've had and they always perform well.