What's wrong with my pleco?

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AC Members
Sep 8, 2007
I have a dwarf bushynose pleco that I've had for 4 or 5 months now. I've never had any trouble with this fish and she's (at least I think it's a she) always seemed quite happy. On Friday I brought home a male dwarf bushynose pleco and they seemed to get along well. Today I looked in the tank and the female pleco is just sitting on the bottom in the front of the tank, breathing a little fast. She didn't move much when I wiggled a plant next to her. Sometimes the male comes and sits right next to her. The water is fine (other than the normally high pH) and none of the other fish in the tank are acting strangely. She looks pretty fat, but I don't know if it's abnormally fat for this pleco. What could be wrong with her? Could it have anything to do with the new pleco? Thanks for any help you can give me.


AC Members
Apr 19, 2008
corona, ca
plecos are territorial.. some more than otheres.. since shes always only been the only pleco shes prolly all ticked that theres another pleco in her turf...

as for if its a boy or a girl... males have tentacles on their heads.. females do not
Apr 2, 2002
New York
Could be she is full of eggs and some courtship is going on. It can be a bit violent at times and torn fins with lf bn is common as a result. Is there a cave or cavelike spot the male has claimed?

On the other hand, if the fish is ill or constipated it takes more information than provided to have any reasonable ideas. Has she been and is she now eating and pooping normally? What are you feeding? How long as she seemed "fat".