Why is it so hard to get some yo-yo loaches?

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NJ Devils Fan

#1 Devils fan
Oct 28, 2002
Yonkers, NY
I got a yo-yo loach at my LFS last week, they only had one, so I figured I would come back this week and get some more(I've never previously seen them there). I asked the guy when they would get more in, and he said that he doesn't put an order in for them because they are very delicate. I said I got one there last week and he said that it was probably there for awhile, and that they come in very rarely. I was looking online, and they were reasonable prices, but the shipping and handeling is more than the fish. I will probably regret it, but do you think petco has them? I haven't been in my local one in over a year because it is such a dump and I refuse to go in.


Global Moderator
Aug 27, 2002
Roselle Park, NJ
Real Name
hi NJD, I would lean more to the side of them "not" having them since the yo-yo's are a delicate bunch. I would think if the place is a dump, they surely wouldn't be able to keep them well enough and if they did by chance have them, they may be in weak condition....therefore, not a good choice to get them from there. The Petco over here only has your more common fish available, my guess is even the more hardier of fishes..... I would think yours is the same if you think it's dump as well...


AC Members
re yoyo's

Most loaches are somewhat seasonal. Although most yoyos are bred in thailand by one of two fish farms. Yoyos are not that fragile btw I have seen some survive some nasty things like being out of water for 2 hours,, stuck over powerhead intakes and such. As long as the water changes are regular they are fine. I do 25% a week on all my tanks.

My loachy List

Clowns 4 Botia Macracanthus
Yoyos 7 Botia Almorhae
Striatas 3 Botia striata
Histrionicas 4 Botia Histrionica
Botia a Myanmar 3 Botia Angelicus

Red Tail Botia 3 Schistura mahnerti
Peppered Loach 2 Lepidocephalichthys guntea
Checkerboard Sand Loach 1 Nemacheilus masyae

Chinese Hillstream Loach 5 Pseudogastromyzon cheni
Beaufortia SP Hillstream 1 Beaufortia sp.

Chinese Weatherfish 1 Misgurnus mizolepis
Weather loach 1 Misgurnus anguillicaudatus / fossilis

Myers Kuhli Loach 1 Acanthophthalmus Myersi

Originally posted by Dangerdoll
hi NJD, I would lean more to the side of them "not" having them since the yo-yo's are a delicate bunch. I would think if the place is a dump, they surely wouldn't be able to keep them well enough and if they did by chance have them, they may be in weak condition....therefore, not a good choice to get them from there. The Petco over here only has your more common fish available, my guess is even the more hardier of fishes..... I would think yours is the same if you think it's dump as well...


Global Moderator
Aug 27, 2002
Roselle Park, NJ
Real Name
Re: re yoyo's

Originally posted by kuhli
As long as the water changes are regular they are fine. I do 25% a week on all my tanks.

Right, but I was going by what NJD's LFS had told him, which is that they are a delicate fish (I guess this is an opinion). Also it was said that his Petco was a dump, bringing me to assume that they may not do the weekly maintenance required for the aquarium in order to keep all inhabitants healthy or in the best condition, therefore he might want to try another place rather than go to the place he "knows" isn't all that great...


AC Members
Nov 30, 2002
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NJ-I have seen them at Petgoods several times but not many and they usually hide. It doesnt help that theyr not labeled either.

NJ Devils Fan

#1 Devils fan
Oct 28, 2002
Yonkers, NY
Yea, it wasn't labeled, so that didn't help much. I wasn't really sure if it was a yo-yo loach, but I said it to the guy and he bagged it for me. I am pissed that they don't have anymore. If you go there and see them, tell me.