Witch catfish is the best for my new 50g

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AC Members
Mar 30, 2007
I have had many different "experiments" with what fish to put in with him, most didn't work. Ikeep him alone right now. He does eat anything he can as soon as he grows large enough. I plan to get some sunfish or perch to put in with him, but since they are wild fish I want to wait until after spawning season to grab some fresh ones that aren't too accustomed to the wild life. And the record bullhead size in connecticut is 4 pounds 15 ounces.


Fish & Visitors Smell in 3 Days...
Feb 27, 2007
New Hampshire
I need to know witch freshwater catfish is best for my new 50g I read a book that said bushy-nosed catfish but i'm not sure.
Depends on the other fish you have/wish to have, but in large part you cannot go wrong with Cory Cats (schools of 4+), Otos, Bristlenose Plecos (other plecos depending on fish/amount of fish), pictus (same) and most algae eaters (although I would stay clear of the Chinese var. myself).

2 things: 1) ensure the tank is cycled first as they do not do well in a cycling tank, and 2) wait at least a month or 2 before adding them to allow the algae to build up providing them with a base-line food source. <-However, their diet will need to be balanced with other foods (i.e. wafers, etc.)

Let us know! Cats are some pretty special fish ;)