If you want to try this mix I would go with Peacocks or Haps from Malawi, maybe Yelloq Labs ( Maybe! ), and robust Tangs like Trets, Julidichromis, Brichardi, OLDER Calvus, ( these guys grow so slowly the Malawis would be much larger much quicker ), gold sexfasciatus, etc... there are many that should work. Don't expect to find the right mix or take this list as a sure thing. All fish are individuals, and some mixes work while others don't. I keep a JacobFriedbergi Peacock and a female yellow Lab with my Tangs and all is well for the most part. Keep an extra tank on hand just in case and expect some disputes as the fish work out the pecking order. Let them do this within reason. Chasing and circling is acceptable. Major fin loss and constant harassment is not.