C.S.I.S. my foot !!!!!

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beware the house tiger
May 28, 2008

Ok the above is the web link for the mentioned organization in the title.

Today was an interesting end to the day.

I get a phone call from my father in law asking me if I can remember what footwear he was wearing when I took him to the philippines with me. I took a goodly portion of my inheritance from my mother and went into an area of poverty and did a few things, but, I will not mention what.

Well I sort of laughed at him when he asked me this and said why would I remember that, yet, I remember very well what I wore since I wore the cowboy boots my mother bought me. And since I was taking inheritance money to do things, I wore those boots as a tribute of sorts. :grinyes:

Ok so tonight I get home and waiting for me on my step is a prepaid postage box, also preaddressed. Inside the box is a black garbage bag and fresh packing tape roll.

the mailing address for c.s.i.s. is correct, I will find out what the post box in regina is registered to

depending on payment method this label is traceable

most definitely this is traceable

the envelope is of a fine stock watermarked and had the letter and a $100 bill. I have made sure no one else in my family has touched any of this stuff in case of substance or prints.

the letter has a few errors in details, but, one thing is for sure I am not an individual who does well when told to be hush. I will be speaking with some people tomorrow that I have contact with who are in positions of shall we say "in the know"

If this person thinks the boots that my dead mother bought me are for sale for $200 they can pucker up and kiss my heigny :nutkick:.

Also from what I know of C.S.I.S this is not how they roll, I would have been invited to take a ride, and I have not ever known this branch to sign off the way this letter is signed off.

No way on god's green earth am I going to send a pair of my shoes to anyone who sends something like this.

I am not so pleased that I am behind my schedule of installing my security and surveilance system on my house, arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggh

I would have had a nice digital video to add to this thread if this had happened 2 months from now.

One other side note that is of interest. I had the pleasure of being seated beside one of the guys from this organization on the plan ride to mindanao
We had quite a nice talk about the political unrest of that time and he made sure to let me know he would be available if needed in my time there.

Will let you know what comes of this if anything.

What is really funny is that there is a chinese soft shell turtle that I was picking up this week that is now half paid for with that cnote if it is not an issue.


Why would ******* be censored?
Jul 21, 2008
Canyon Country, Ca.
They are monitoring this transmission. it is imperative that you act quickly. Destroy the boots and check your local classifieds for an ad with the words "Attractive" and "Esquire" in them. Call that number and follow instructions.



beware the house tiger
May 28, 2008
The trip there was weird I honestly thought my name was joe by the time I left they kept saying hey joe to me.

Had the pleasure of almost getting shot when I was there and then being invited to drink a san miguel with the shooter after we had out stare down.

I was taking pics of a dog that was on the road dying and he thought I was going to go back home and use the picture to bring shame to the philippino peoples when I got back to america. When he found out I was canadian and that I had come to do some things to help better the state of affairs where I was located he warmed up.

It was a very sureal experience, almost as sureal as this package waiting for me..

If this checks as legit I just wanted a record to be out in the air.

Though I am sort of shaking my head about this and kind of laughing, will see what falls from the tree in the next few days.

J double R

The Devil
Jan 13, 2007
Real Name
Personally, I wouldnt be posting anything like this online until i figured out what it was, at the very least.

your choice to air your personal business, though.


beware the house tiger
May 28, 2008
Hey jrr, in something like this the best defense/offense is called preemptive strike with a flavour of extreme prejudice. Some of the people that I know of are still active because they are public about things. There is between the lines talk in that letter that is not good for me to see so I will be forward and upfront about this as a way of laying a perimeter. My training tells me to lay down a line of sight and some clay.

How many members are on ac and mfk a whole lot so what better way to open up things..

There are 3 ways that I see this.

1-its a serious joke trying to get my boots from me NOT TO LIKELY IN MY BOOKS

2-if I am reading the speak between the lines it is something that I best be on the offensive about right from the get go. As a soldier, I was taught one thing never go down with a leathered weapon and I was a very good student.

3-it is on the up and up and I happen to have gotten in the middle of something when I went to the philippines. I have had people tell me I was either very stupid or very brave for going the places I went and doing what I did.

at any rate here are my boots and another goodie I found in the mailbox

ok so here are the boots I wore my entire time in there

Like I said my mom got them for me and she died in mar 98 and I wore them as a tribute to her since what I was doing there was done with money she left me.

Ask any cowboy if they will surrender their boots that they have had for over 17 years and I am sure you will get a ^%$# No!!!!!!!!

I took a closer look at my mailbox just to do a investigation of it and I found this

a signature required letter is waiting for me at the post office.

This is a truly screwed up thing if someone is tryin to yank my chain, they might not like what they find on the end of that chain.

In no way are they getting my boots, what a line of bs to lay a letter with a cnote on my house playing this kind of trip. Well they will get their box mailed to them with a few things. I am pretty certain I am going to rip up the cnote and tell them I am not for sale.

I am trying real hard to figure out what I might have done to arouse any suspicions while I was in the philippines. If there are any philippino who can tell me what might be in that area of your country that would be sensitive.

I also do not appreciate the veiled threat that is in this letter against my family.


beware the house tiger
May 28, 2008
Personally, I wouldnt be posting anything like this online until i figured out what it was, at the very least.

your choice to air your personal business, though.
A mysterious letter with a cnote and a box prepaid show up unannounced at my house is not my personal business

a web search for you jrr


csis is not a good thing to be silent about if you have time to speak for once your tounge is gone what shall you say

The Zigman

Here fishy fishy fishy!!!
Oct 5, 2007
Near Chicago, Il.
Send me that stuff.
I got an old pair of reeboks I'd be more than happy to let go for $300

I dont get it. Why would anyone want your 10 year old boots? the adress is legit for CSIS I checked it out. http://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca/cmmn/cntcts-eng.asp

but I am sure if you think it is bogus you could take it to the authorities, and they would pursue fraud charges.


AC Members
Feb 22, 2010
what the hell is csis? One of the posters over on the saltwaterfish.com forum who really knows his stuff his name is csis.net
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