30 gallon cube stocking

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Fishlock Holmes

AC Members
Jan 9, 2011
Central Indiana
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Okay, here's an update on where I currently stand:

3 marble hatchets (will be 6 when more come in)
2 Bolivian rams
3 panda cories (will be 6 when more come in)
2 otos
1 gold tetra
3 blue tetras

I had originally decided on 10 gold tetras. I’ve had a heck of a time getting them, and to make a long story short, I starting doubting my decision to get them. In the end, I went in and got the last gold tetra they had, and 3 blue tetras just to see if I liked them better instead. Well, I don’t… Those gold ones are just so flashy, and I love it! So assuming things go a little more smoothly, I’ll be trading the blues in and getting 9 more golds. If things DON'T go smoothly, I'll probably just do 10 neon tetras instead.

So, within the next couple weeks, stocking should be:

6 marble hatchets
2 Bolivian rams
6 panda cories
2 otos
10 gold or neon tetras

I think, with that, I’m going to call it a day. Does that sound like a decent stocking list? Too much? Not enough? Thanks for any input. :)


Registered Member
Nov 9, 2011
Hi, I just got a used oceanic 30 gallon cube and it didn't look as bad as yours, but still had calcium deposits along the bottom. i scrapped off what I could with a razor, but now it looks like a line of whitish stuff stayed on. It feels smooth, like the glass. When you said a lot of elbow grease, how do you mean? How long did you scrub the tank in one spot to remove the deposits? What did you use? Just some towels and vinegar? I tried scrubbing for about a 30 seconds and didn't see any results. How long did you scrub before you saw results? Thanks, Rudy


AC Members
Oct 3, 2011
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I will never get another GBR and put it directly into the tank(with the obvious 1-2 hr acclimation process) ever again!

These guys are so beautiful, but also come with flukes or internal parasites! I am going to have a 5.5 gal GBR treatment tank with medication from now on. My GBR male who was doing, what looked to be amazing, up until the one month mark. He had internal parasites that he wasn't strong enough to fight on his own.. :(

Just a heads up I guess, be wary that they may have to fight off some bad stuff!