Air bubbles in Marineland Magniflow 220

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AC Members
Sep 12, 2010
Schofield Barracks, HI
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I'm running a Magniflow 220 on my 55G axolotl tank and it keep pushing out air bubbles and making bubble noises. Is there a simple way to clear the air bubbles out of it? I already had a disaster during the setup because I didn't put the gasket in. I was priming the heck out of it and water pumped out all over the place.




Mar 29, 2005
How long has it been set up? What sort of media are you using?

Assuming it's not in the filter from setup it has to be getting in somewhere, if it's air it is somewhere above the water line 🤷

Check your hoses are connected correctly especially.
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Apr 2, 2002
New York
The blow are all my opinions on things and may differ from those of others.

I have not been a fan of almost anything Marineland since they became a part of the pet division of a conglomerate. My vert first filters were and Emperor 400 and an UGF which became a RUGF powered by a reverse flow Marineland power head. I had to give up the RUGF and instead added an AC 200 (now called a 50). When the Emperor quit after 7 or 8 years I got a new one. 30 minutes after it went onto the tank it came off, was dried out, re-boxed and returned. There are a few brands in the hobby I tend to avoid.

One of the few Marineland products I have used for years was their H.O.T. Magnum filter, They discontinued it and then they changed the universal micron cartridges they made which had fit all the filters in the Magnum line. With the change, the micron no longer fit in the H.O.T.s unless one removed the two sealing gaskets placed on the top and bottom of the cartridge.

So they made as product which lasts for decades and then stopped making one of the key components to continue using it. I have gone from having several of these filters on tanks to removing all but one of them for something else. Ad the one tank (150 gal.) I still have one on it as the third filter after an Eheim Pro II canister and an AquaClear 110. I have never considerd owning any canister nit Eheim.

So, I would not be surprised if an air bubble problem in a canister might be something you need to research big time. I had never heard of the Magniflow 220, so I had to Google it. I went right to the Marineland page. and there right on top was the rating for this product: 2.6 out of 5 possible stars (95 raters). And this was followed by " 34 out of 88 (39%) reviewers recommend this product" (I assume 7 raters did not answer the recommendation question?)

If you follow the above link, you can mouse over the star rating and get a pop-up that lets you see all 95 reviews. These may explain your issue. I only read a few.

Of course, all of the above are my personal opinions for whatever they may be worth. I am sure there are plenty of folks who would disagree.

The famous Spectrum brand pet, LLC owns Marineland aquariums now. It is based in Wisconsin and works as the main lead in their aquatic sub- section.
The Aquatic product brands in the Spectrum Pet division include: Tetra, Marineland, GloFish, Instant Ocean and Omega One. The division has 15 other pet brands not related to Aquatics.


AC Members
Sep 12, 2010
Schofield Barracks, HI
Real Name
How long has it been set up? What sort of media are you using?

Assuming it's not in the filter from setup it has to be getting in somewhere, if it's air it is somewhere above the water line 🤷

Check your hoses are connected correctly especially.
It's been setup for four days now. The intake and exhaust are both under water so I don't see how air is getting in. I figured it would eventually stop. I'm using the media it came with which is some sponges, plastic bioballs, ceramic rings, and a little bit of filter floss.


AC Members
Sep 12, 2010
Schofield Barracks, HI
Real Name
The blow are all my opinions on things and may differ from those of others.

I have not been a fan of almost anything Marineland since they became a part of the pet division of a conglomerate. My vert first filters were and Emperor 400 and an UGF which became a RUGF powered by a reverse flow Marineland power head. I had to give up the RUGF and instead added an AC 200 (now called a 50). When the Emperor quit after 7 or 8 years I got a new one. 30 minutes after it went onto the tank it came off, was dried out, re-boxed and returned. There are a few brands in the hobby I tend to avoid.

One of the few Marineland products I have used for years was their H.O.T. Magnum filter, They discontinued it and then they changed the universal micron cartridges they made which had fit all the filters in the Magnum line. With the change, the micron no longer fit in the H.O.T.s unless one removed the two sealing gaskets placed on the top and bottom of the cartridge.

So they made as product which lasts for decades and then stopped making one of the key components to continue using it. I have gone from having several of these filters on tanks to removing all but one of them for something else. Ad the one tank (150 gal.) I still have one on it as the third filter after an Eheim Pro II canister and an AquaClear 110. I have never considerd owning any canister nit Eheim.

So, I would not be surprised if an air bubble problem in a canister might be something you need to research big time. I had never heard of the Magniflow 220, so I had to Google it. I went right to the Marineland page. and there right on top was the rating for this product: 2.6 out of 5 possible stars (95 raters). And this was followed by " 34 out of 88 (39%) reviewers recommend this product" (I assume 7 raters did not answer the recommendation question?)

If you follow the above link, you can mouse over the star rating and get a pop-up that lets you see all 95 reviews. These may explain your issue. I only read a few.

Of course, all of the above are my personal opinions for whatever they may be worth. I am sure there are plenty of folks who would disagree.

The Aquatic product brands in the Spectrum Pet division include: Tetra, Marineland, GloFish, Instant Ocean and Omega One. The division has 15 other pet brands not related to Aquatics.
That's super disappointing to hear. I obviously didn't do enough research before purchasing and it wasn't cheap so now I'm stuck with it. I guess I'll make it work. I figured there were a few tried and true methods to get air bubbles out of canister filters you all might know.


Mar 29, 2005
It's been setup for four days now. The intake and exhaust are both under water so I don't see how air is getting in. I figured it would eventually stop. I'm using the media it came with which is some sponges, plastic bioballs, ceramic rings, and a little bit of filter floss.
The pipes do come above the water line, so bake sure they don't let in water where they are not undercover, where tubing attaches to the filter body is common as a problem.

Aldo turn it off and squeeze the sponges in tank water,this will make sure they aren't holding. Any air.


AC Members
Sep 12, 2010
Schofield Barracks, HI
Real Name
The pipes do come above the water line, so bake sure they don't let in water where they are not undercover, where tubing attaches to the filter body is common as a problem.

Aldo turn it off and squeeze the sponges in tank water,this will make sure they aren't holding. Any air.
I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Let me post some pictures.



Mar 29, 2005
Which pipe is that? Inflow or return?

Basically just make sure the tubing is tight with the plastic so it's airtight..make sure nothing is at too much of an angle, etc.

And squeeze the sponges in tank water to remove any air from them.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
When I began in the hobby I had an online friend who had been in the pet and fish business for over 50 years. He had owned stoed, worked for others, done imports and even worked in breeding. By the time we met he was retired and just a hobbyist. He use to tell me he hated hoses. The would leak, the would let go they were a danger as far as he was concerned.

I took him at his word and when I got my fist canister and with every hosed device since I have used mostly stainless steel hose clamps. For smaller hoses used in air driven systems I use the plastic style clamps in dougall's pic.

You can find hose clamps in assorted sizes in pretty much any hardware or building supply place.

On my canisters I also have inline heaters. So I clamp them as well. I also clamp the connectipns where the hoses from the filter attach to the spraybar and the intake. I only use Eheim Pro II cainsters which are about 20 years old and have been at least twice replaced by newer lines. The fact that my oldest one has been running for over 20 years and is still as quiet as the day I bought it explains why I chose Eheim. I have three running, one for spare parts and then the larger sized one I never managed to put into use.

If you issue is nit with air sneaking ni via hose connections, then I would look to the head gasket. That is the one which seals the top and body of the filters when the unit is closed. I usually take the gasket off and rinse it when I clean my filters every 6 months. If that gasket degrades, it can cause leaks of water out and.or air in.

Finally, AFter I have cleaned the filter I refill it fully and then return it to the tank. Because the filter has shut-off valves, the intake and return hoses remain filled with water when the filter is removed. So when I restart there is little or no air inside the filter. In fact, for the first 10 years I had my first one, I ran CO2 directly into the filter's intake. This was another reason I chose Eheim. Most canisterss do not do well with gas bubbles inside.


AC Members
Sep 12, 2010
Schofield Barracks, HI
Real Name
Which pipe is that? Inflow or return?

Basically just make sure the tubing is tight with the plastic so it's airtight..make sure nothing is at too much of an angle, etc.

And squeeze the sponges in tank water to remove any air from them.
This is the inflow. I read a forum somewhere else that said to cut the graduated portion of the pipe so that it's closer to the tubing diameter and doesn't leave room for air. I did that and it helped some but there's still a little air gap. Here's the new pic
