Ich outbreak?

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AC Members
Jul 22, 2016
I recently stocked my tanks with fish from one of the dreaded big pet chains, thanks to my unruly spouse. Now all of my tanks have or probably will have ich. I am returning the purchases. Is there any way to save the beneficial bacteria, or am i better off to sterilize everything and start over?


AC Members
Mar 17, 2016
Are they all new tanks? Did you stock them all at once? I think you'd best start over and buy your fish not all at once.


AC Members
Jul 22, 2016
I decided to nuke the tanks with hydrogen peroxide... but to answer your q's, I did not over stock, i just didnt quarantine. I have (had) two established 55g's and one established 37g tank. I added an appropriate amount to each tank and had an outbreak of ich in one 55 g and the 37 g. The other 55 g didnt outbreak, but since all fish came from same place I returned. Upon walking in the store today, I saw that all of the same fish I purchased had ich there as well. Coincidence?I think not. I was just curious if I could or should save the bio media to restart my tanks. Unfortunately, I rage nuked all my tanks so I have to start over. The store manager told me that I should have saved it. Oh well, to live is to learn.


"With your powers combined . . ."
Sep 9, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
Real Name
For future ich can always be treated with salt and heat. You do not need to kill off everything in order to get rid of it. Also, if you removed all the fish with ich, you'd just have to wait two weeks and keep feeding the tank to keep the biofilter alive in order to save your BB.
Ich needs fish to complete its lifecycle. Waiting two weeks ensures that all eggs that in the substrate have hatched and died.
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AC Members
Jul 22, 2016
For future ich can always be treated with salt and heat. You do not need to kill off everything in order to get rid of it. Also, if you removed all the fish with ich, you'd just have to wait two weeks and keep feeding the tank to keep the biofilter alive in order to save your BB.
Ich needs fish to complete its lifecycle. Waiting two weeks ensures that all eggs that in the substrate have hatched and died.
I know as much, but I wanted to get my tanks cleared out and ready for new fish faster. I had been waiting forever to get my tanks cycled so that I could get my fish to begin with. Waiting two weeks for the ich to die off, while knowing that I would probably feel the need to be overkill, and throwing away expensive cichlid pellets to feed beneficial bacteria wasnt my idea of fun. Starting over from scratch wasn't exactly the best choice either. At least now I get to test a theory on quickly cycling my tank with pure ammonia, Microbe-Lift Special Blend and Microbe-Lift Nite Out. It is supposed to instantly cycle by adding the live bacteria that takes 6 wks to develop. Figured it couldnt hurt my efforts.


"With your powers combined . . ."
Sep 9, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
Real Name
At least now I get to test a theory on quickly cycling my tank with pure ammonia, Microbe-Lift Special Blend and Microbe-Lift Nite Out. It is supposed to instantly cycle by adding the live bacteria that takes 6 wks to develop. Figured it couldnt hurt my efforts.
Good luck.

I just have to say that this isn't a "theory" its a manufacturers claim. A theory has been tested multiple times in multiple situations and contexts and has yet to be refuted by any scientific evidence.


AC Members
Jul 22, 2016
Good luck.

I just have to say that this isn't a "theory" its a manufacturers claim. A theory has been tested multiple times in multiple situations and contexts and has yet to be refuted by any scientific evidence.

Are you offended or something? I am not trying anything at the risk of fish, so I dont see any problem with what I am going to attempt. Sorry for my usage of the word "theory". It was more of a saying "test the theory" as in test their claims. I was speaking simply and hate that my words are being scrutinized. Maybe this isn't the site for me to get help from.


"With your powers combined . . ."
Sep 9, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
Real Name
As a biologist I just dislike the misuse of the word theory.

I've never heard of this product, from this company. Though there are many others that are similar. I'm never fully 100% confident about their effectiveness and the manufacturers claims. I'm interested to see if it works for you.


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
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Mr. Normal
It is the site to get advice from. However, the recipient needs to be receptive to the advice being given. Even if your method works to cycle the tank, it has nothing to do with the time span for the lifecycle of the cysts. If you really wanted to nuke the tank, you would have drained it completely, went with a heavy bleach water mix of almost 50%/50% and let the tank fun a few days, and always stirring the substrate daily. Then drain and let everything air dry for a week or so including laying out the substrate in a thin layer.

Or just used salt and heat to begin with and never have moved the fish......


AC Members
Jul 22, 2016
It is the site to get advice from. However, the recipient needs to be receptive to the advice being given. Even if your method works to cycle the tank, it has nothing to do with the time span for the lifecycle of the cysts. If you really wanted to nuke the tank, you would have drained it completely, went with a heavy bleach water mix of almost 50%/50% and let the tank fun a few days, and always stirring the substrate daily. Then drain and let everything air dry for a week or so including laying out the substrate in a thin layer.

Or just used salt and heat to begin with and never have moved the fish......

Returning the fish was a personal choice and on principal due to the retailers selling sick fish.

What exactly is wrong with using hydrogen peroxide?

How was i not receptive? Everything at this point is being critiqued by things that cant be undone. Lol.