Long Winded Newbie w/ Questions

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AC Members
Apr 24, 2004
Getting back to abwahl's questions...

I agree with Tomm10 that the compact flourescent lights work rather nicely there is no desperate need to obtain a flourescent tube fixture. Interestingly enough when I asked about that at my local Petco they advised me against it... I tried it anyway and that is my most successful plant tank! The compacts give off a different color than the tubes, so presumably there is a difference in spectrum, but it hasn't adversely affected my fish or plants.

For water changes and such... try 99cent stores or other bargain type places for smaller 2.5 gallon buckets. I try to let my water air out over night, then add a water treatment like Amquel, then do the water change. Might be overkill, but it feels safe.

kikuchiyo brought up some interesting points... but taking careful note of the "cons for dumping" section of that post... I'm always concerned about Petco water and don't want to add it to my tanks. Although it would probably be ok for you to go this route if you get all your fish from a trustworthy source like the specialty store you mentioned.

An all tetra tank can be a lot of fun. Just keep reading up as you have planned... you don't want to start a tank out with neons only to repeat the funeral scene.

And you requested a link for setting up the aquarium:
Here's one that has a ton of info- although I think they recommend the fishy cycle- it is such a large site, there is probably still something you might find useful: Pet Fish Talk

Here's a nice Beginning FAQ site. Still recommends danios for fishy cycling though.

Good luck!


fishy friend of many
Mar 1, 2004
western NC
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I have used floating with "drip" where I add tank water to the bag I normally watch how the bag is taking from ie a box or if it was just on counter if was taken from box I just float that bag or I will double bag with some I kept. I always keep the bag that the fish came in just in case. I float then I open it and roll it down to add water to it with lightw out all lights not just tank light where its dark and murky to kinda hide everything while the fish are being added normally 10 minuttes then 5 then 5 after about a 50 or so percent add of the tanks water. each time. then I net out the fish and feed a little after say an hour of adding the new fish to the tank. I never add to my primary tank so I don't have other fish for them to get used to.
I have never had a fish death soon enough to intro of the fish to suspect the acclimation I used. Now I am no pro at this just mildly addicted.

I will consider drip method.


Cowbell! I need more cowbell!
Jun 27, 1999
Lots of good advice in this thread. You ask a long question, you get lots of long responses!

One thing I'd question, though....

Originally posted by happychem

Next, if you're doing fishless, don't use Amquel. There's a link around in one of the stickies to the revised fishless cycling article. Basically, don't use a dechlorinator that binds ammonia. The safest bet, call your water company and ask them if they add chloramine, if they don't you're golden. While you're at it, ask them to send you a print up of the water report analysis. Knowing things like pH, KH (alkalinity), GH, phosphates, nitrates, etc. can be very useful down the road. Ultimately, you're going to have to do some tests yourself.
Kordon, maker of Amquel, contends on its web site that Amquel leaves the ammonia in a form available to beneficial bacteria. My experience with fishless cycling with Amquel would support that. I have not noticed any problem using Amquel in a cycling tank.

I would agree that Amquel is of less use in a FISHY cycle, because it doesn't offer any protection against the nitrite spike, but it is fine for fishless cycling.

Great thread!



Dec 9, 2003
Halifax, NS
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You know better than I J.

I thought that I read in Chris Cow's revised fishless cycling article, sorry, I don't have the link handy, that some people had a hard time with the fishless + Amquel. I must've read it wrong. My apologies.