Lures for different species and different conditions

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AC Members
Jan 10, 2010
Kaluden asked about how to fish a #11 Rapala. This lure would be a wonderful addition to your arsenal of lures, any kind of fish that hangs out in shallow water and eats 4 inch minnows will chomp the heck out of a rapala. Walleye, Bass, and Pike are the species I usually catch on them. They float at rest and dive down about twelve to twenty inches on the retrieve depending on the speed. Knox mentioned twitched on the surface, fished as a jerkbait (twitched below the surface), and simply casted and retrieved as a search bait. Bart G reports a slow steady retrieve from shore. I usually use this lure in shallow water around shorelines 2-5 ft deep. I throw it out and crank it in experimenting with the speed but not too fast. I generally use a steady retrieve with one twitch as the lure gets close to the boat. This is a very versatile lure that can be weighted with a sinker for more depth and it is very good for trolling. The smaller sizes run shallower, and the larger sizes run deeper--or the same depth with a slower retrieve. Again, in my book this is one of the greatest fish catchers made and one certainly belongs in your arsenal.

the wizard

Is it really Niko's fault?
Jan 28, 2010
Real Name
I would have to say that my favorite lure is the green rattle trap. I have always had spinners, jigs, soft lures, etc... but seem to have the best luck with the rattle. I mostly prefer to fish for large mouth bass. I get a much bigger thrill hooking one of them than i ever did with any other species.


Vampire Pleco??
Nov 3, 2009
Fennville, Michigan
Real Name
Kinda surprised no one else has listed these. My all time fav for Largemouth ar Yamamoto Senko. You can fish them in various different ways. The first year I found those, I caught more bass in that one summer than all my other summers combined. They do not work as well for Smallies though. For Smallies my fav is just a regular old pumpkin seed colord jig. Night fishing I still fav the Jitterbug, I like the Rapala Skitter Pop as well.

Bart G

AC Members
Jan 15, 2010
I mentioned senkos! True, they don't usually work as well for smallies typically because the current washes them away too fast. Here is some inspiration to go buy some spider grubs.

As for the floating raps, #11 is my fave as it seems to have a better action but there are times when the #13 works better. I use a small wire snap to facilitate quick changes. X-raps, rouges and husky jerks have their place too. I like a very slow steady retrieve through very shallow water after dark. I will crank the lure as slow as possible while still feeling the bait swimming. Unlike smallies, walleye love lures fished against the current. Shallow is never too shallow especially on very dark rainy or foggy nights. I've caught nice eyes in less than a foot of water where the #11 shines like a champ.


Addicted to Loaches
Feb 5, 2009
That's a beautiful smallie

That pig loves his rocks / sandy bottom I can see lol

You're right about the husky jerks...biggest largemouth I've ever caught 6.5lb smashed a 12 inch Blue / Silver / Orange husky jerk

After about 4 hours of ripping this thing around at the bottom of the magnetawan river rapids (i fish there quite often) and of course looking for huge pike with a lure that size

A totally uneventful day

I decided to make a couple more casts because dinner time was closing in...and I see this massive fish dart out from the rock stack about 10 feet in front of me

He inhaled the husky and darted out about 40-50 feet immediately...good fight when you add the current of the rapids..but nowhere near what I was expecting from this pig of a largie

He was released alive and well but not without smiling for the camera of course!

When I caught that guy I remember I was using a pretty aggressive retrieve (as I was frustrated from not catching anything)

Ripping the suspending husky 3 times quickly...then let it sit for a couple of seconds...2 rips the next time etc

And oh how I wish I used polarized sunglasses back then...would've been so amazing to clearly see that largemouth inhale the lure

Keep em coming...we're up to 25 replies now (minus the 4 i've added up to date)



AC Members
Jan 10, 2010
I assume we are all entitled to have more than one "favorite" lure. Here's one that worked pretty good last summer. A jig 1/8 or 1/16 ounce tipped with a live minnow is a pretty standard rig around here. Last summer we experimented with using the Berkely Gulp minnow instead of live minnows, and they seemed to work just as good. They look like plastic but don't leave one on your hook overnight or it will turn very hard and you will need a knife or something to get it off. They are packaged in some special "juice" that stinks--to me, and smells tasty--to fish.

Bart G

AC Members
Jan 15, 2010
Thanks Tay690! Good glasses do help a lot. They really shine trout fishing.

I like gulp too. I find it works pretty well in brackish water. I've caught redfish, flounder, spotted sea trout and blues on the stuff. I like to keep them in the juice until I use then return the gulp to the liquid to "recharge". Still looking for an optimal container since the ones they come in leak and are bulky. My sister works in a lab and she gave me a few tubes they use for samples. Might work.


Addicted to Loaches
Feb 5, 2009
Wow...I just checked out your fish paintings

I absolutely love the painting in acrylic of the smallmouth chasing the tube jig

Gonna have to try the Senko...2nd person who's raved about i'm gonna go buy me one ...or 6 lol

I agree on the skitterpop too...lots of fun in weed beds with that lure

I've been using the gulp also lately (4 inch black shad) and I actually have outfished people using live minnows fishing in close proximity to me on shore...must be something in the scent that drives the fish nuts

the stuff absolutely reeks and is offensive when you open the bag...but that doesn't mean the fish don't like it i guess lol