This has ended up being a big ordeal for me. Originally I didn’t want to spend big bucks on pumps. And under a few good reviews I bought two Quiet One 4000 pumps, one for each sump. Each would go to its own spraybar. They are rated 1017gph and max head of 10.2'. With head loss, I figured both of them combined should be pushing 1,000gph into the tank, which is on the low said of what I thought would be acceptable.
Here is a pic I'll repost of the QO4000 and a simple DIY filter box:
Well, being new to big tanks and wanting decent flow, I was a bit surprised how little flow I was getting out of my spraybars. Maybe it has to do with how the flow is dispersed across the large spraybars, or the size of the holes not big enough or too big, not sure. The overflows were only trickling, with dry spots between each tooth. I decided an upgrade was needed, direly.
So I looked at the rest of their models... and stepped up to 2 QO6000's. This would allow me to keep the same configuration as the 4000's, but get a few hundred more gph. Well, I was again sorely disappointed. I couldn’t even feel any flow placing my hand in front of the spraybars about 5" out. And the noise level was worse, the 4000's were pretty quite, these were borderline for me. And they had big inefficient looking paddle style impellor and a very inefficient power rating. Still was only trickling over the overflows. So back to looking. I decided to go a different route, one bigger more efficient pump. The QO9000 had 2328gph rating and only 145W (compared to 220W, 2x 110W for the 6000). It had a much more efficient looking turbine shaped impellor. So hoping its design was much more efficient, I decided to go that route and re-do all my plumbing to accommodate a single pump instead of dual.
QO4000 next to QO9000
Now the big question, had I finally found a good pump? No! The flow rate was good, in fact it was exceeding the capacity for the two sumps to balance each other out since the pump was just in one. Still not blowing anything away in the tank but acceptable. The problem was noise! It wasn’t bearable really. Quite disappointed. Maybe it was a fluke? I researched the pump online and found many saying the same thing (should have searched first) so I figured I didn’t get a fluke. Gee whiz I am not having good luck, and wasting money in plumbing by ripping glued pvc out and replacing. This time I am going to get a good pump! I researched for a quite, high flow, reputable pump. Reefcentral had lots of info for this. I decided on a Sequence Reeflo pump, the Snapper model. It had a 2400gph rating and amazingly only 98W! It had a very efficient looking impellor design and the folks at reefcentral seemed to think it was very quiet and reliable. After searching for the best deal though, I ended up purchasing its bigger brother, the Dart, since it was only $10 more. The Dart is rated at 3600GPH and 160W (145W typical). Here is its flow chart:
QO4000 next to Sequence Dart. Big difference!
Now to re-do the plumbing again...
Since this was an external pump with a very large 2" intake, it called for a complete re-do on the plumbing. I had to get and install two more bulkheads for the sumps, I used 1.5", with double unions, and tee'd them with a double wye fitting into 2".
I tried to scavenge what I could from my previous attempts, which led to some unsightly parts, and some odd mismatches but oh well. If I were to start from scratch it would look much better.
Now I get good flow, still not like placing your hand in front of a powerhead when placed in front of the spraybar, but its moving the water throughout the tank well. And its pushing a lot of water over the overflows. Even with the spraybars near the tanks bottom I get rippling all over the surface. Hopefully it wont be offgasing too much that I cant maintain co2 levels. Will be testing that soon.
However I have created another problem that will soon be fixed. With all this flow (even backed down a little) the sumps are now bubbling like a hot tub with the jets turned all the way on. Pump is quiet but now the sumps are gurgling/bubbling like mad! So I am now working on fixing that, using something I saw on reefcentral, basically using a T rotated 90* so flow comes in center, bubbles come up and water goes down, with a vented cap.