My Fake Planted Tank

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My hypocrisy goes only so far
Jun 17, 2003
Boston , MA
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Thanks for your reply on the Ram. I'm diffenitly going to look into them for my new 75gl tank. Also, another nice thing about your artificial plants compare to my live ones, your fish don't eat the hell out of them. I have 3 Silver Dollars that are just munching away on my swords every time I look at my tank. Hopefully with the 75gl I can get a few more variety of some of the cheaper plants and let them chew on those. If that don't work, I might be going the route you took. If I do I'll let you know and then you can travel to Kentucky and "plant" my tank! LOL

Ha! Sounds good. Yeah those SDs are gonna destroy pretty much whatever plants you throw at them, from what I've heard. You might be better off going fake with those guys in the tank! Only other thing I forgot to mention about the Rams.... while they are peaceful in general, if you get a breeding pair I've been told they can get a little aggressive in a protective manner, which is fairly natural, as they're defending their space and young. But that's nothing major. And in a 75 gallon you'll be fine. Overall, great fish, not aggressive at all otherwise. And if you get breeders you could always set up a nice little 20 gallon for them, or just let nature take its course in your big tank.


AC Members
Sep 28, 2011
Fairdale, KY
Ha! Sounds good. Yeah those SDs are gonna destroy pretty much whatever plants you throw at them, from what I've heard. You might be better off going fake with those guys in the tank! Only other thing I forgot to mention about the Rams.... while they are peaceful in general, if you get a breeding pair I've been told they can get a little aggressive in a protective manner, which is fairly natural, as they're defending their space and young. But that's nothing major. And in a 75 gallon you'll be fine. Overall, great fish, not aggressive at all otherwise. And if you get breeders you could always set up a nice little 20 gallon for them, or just let nature take its course in your big tank.
Thanks for that added info on the Rams. Would just one male in a community tank be happy? Would two males? I'm not really into the breeding thing right now because of not having space for any other tanks. But maybe I'll do like you suggested and get a male & female Ram, but let them just live their life in the 75gl, and if they do breed, I'll let nature take it's course.

Take care,


My hypocrisy goes only so far
Jun 17, 2003
Boston , MA
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have two males and they get along perfectly fine. Just get two and whatever they are; they are. If they breed, they breed. I wouldn't really worry about it. They should be fine in a tank that big as long as you're not over stocked. I'd expect them to chase intruders away if they do breed, they'll claim a little territory and defend it, but it won't be out of control aggression. I wouldn't keep one alone, it prob won't display the gorgeous colors you're looking for and will fade away. Get a pair of them and just go with the flow. Enjoy!