my new 10g, thank you AC!!! (many pics)

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Global Moderator
Staff member
Feb 18, 2002
Raleigh, NC
Tank looks great, Mellow.:thumbsup:


Seafood Lover
May 17, 2007
Brooklyn NY
Real Name
Bill Brissette
it's eco complete... which I love. it's so nice to work with.

the tank's pretty much full stocked... if not slightly overstocked. it may look empty, but it has 2 adult cherry barbs, 2 little cherry barb fry (both female, from the adults), 1 adult oto, 1 baby oto, 1 big amano shrimp, and 4 other shrimp, which are all cherries if you go by the LFS, but look different than one another and range in size from 1/2" to 1".

it's a pretty active tank. the cherry barb fry are really fun.


Plant formerly known as Duckweed
Jan 22, 2007
Cleveland area, OH
mellow, I'm loving the HC you've got going. My experiment with the fishing line and weights holding it down did not do well. I think it was due to the other plants shielding it from light too much. I'm letting my little patch float in hopes it will revive so I can try again but planting this time.

I would say you are not fully stocked with what you listed. Shrimp are considered much lower bio-load than fish (you can have multiple dozens or more Cherries in a healthy 10g). I know you lost some shrimp a while back, maybe try getting some more if things have stablilized.

Anyway, good job, keep the updates coming.


Seafood Lover
May 17, 2007
Brooklyn NY
Real Name
Bill Brissette
thanks. today I took the male cherry barb out to teach him a lesson. He was chasing everything that moved and being really overly agressive, just way more than ever... so I switched him to my 20g tank with 3 male cherry barbs... who chased him all over for hours. I think he's getting the point. hopefully he'll mellow out.

in other news, got home tonight and the water is looking a little cloudy white... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? ugh. I thought yesterday it looked a hint cloudy so I did a big water change with prime... and it looked crystal clear after... I doubt it, but it could be gases in the water... the water has a lot of co2 right now. everything's well fertilized. the plants are pearling daily. the water shows no amonia or nitrates and the FAINTEST sign of nitrites... so frustrating.... I really don't want to have to deal with a bacterial bloom... and can't imagine why it might be happening.


Seafood Lover
May 17, 2007
Brooklyn NY
Real Name
Bill Brissette
no, I have a gas seperator on the DIY, and it's fairly stable, I've never had a problem with reverse flow or siphoning...

I'm actually wondering if my water change hoses are contaminated... going to use brand new hose next time around and throw out all the older hoses....

it's not super cloudy, probably wouldn't even show in a photo, but acmopring two tanks that are side by side with similar parameters, there is a noticable difference. I wonder if it's just disolved gasses, as there is a lot of co2 and the plants are constanly giving off a lot of bubbles during lighted periods, but it doesn't seem likely.

I have some jungle labs clear water and have been tempted to put a couple of drops in, but don't want to kill my bacteria and start a cycle. that would only be bad...