PARROT FISH there i said it

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AC Members
Sep 16, 2008
Devon UK
Before anyone has a dig I know they are hybrids and should all be destroyed before birth etc etc ,but I have brought a second hand tank and I got 2 blood parrot fish with it .
I am not willing to get rid as I wouldn't like someone to get rid of me just because of my parents...
Right the problem I have is they are both attacking the "pleccy"(not sure of the correct name)which also came with the tank this is constant attacking all day and night when one stops the other starts apart from seperating them (I only have the 1 tank)what can I do? sensible answers please no hybrids must die nonsense thank you..:help:
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AC Members
Jan 20, 2008
Wappingers Falls, NY
What size is the tank? You probably have to take the pleco back - what kind of pleco is it? If it's a common they get huge anyway. Are there any other fish in the tank?


AC Members
Sep 16, 2008
Devon UK
sorry should have said 240 litres.
here is the tank (well the same tank I have)
As to returning the pleccy It came with the tank theres nowhere to take it back to (private classified not from a store) aparently they were living very happily together before the only other fish in the tank is a "Bristlenose"(suckermouth catfish) which has been left alone
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AC Members
Jan 20, 2008
Wappingers Falls, NY
Hmm well, you can try to "donate" the pleco to a local pet store, give him away on here, craigslist, etc. The bushynose is a pleco as well, but should be ok in your tank as they stay smaller (assuming the parrots aren't picking on it). Do you have driftwood, caves, pots, or other places for fish to hide in the tank?


AC Members
Sep 16, 2008
Devon UK
If thats the only option then that will have to do but I would prefer to keep them all (the tank is a replacement for 1 that got smashed by burglars and the fish left to die)I was hoping they would settle down and get on but this has been going on fo 6 days now and I am getting stressed about it(well stressed for the pleccy)I have only had this set up for 10 days the first 4 days there was no problem someone suggested the pleccy would "smell" different as there had been a change of most of the water and the algy it was eating would take time to grow back when it did the pleccy would smell the same as before and all would be ok pardon the pun but to me that sounds fishy or am I wrong? by the way the pleccy is about 10 inchs long from nose to end and a dark Leopard pattern.


Just chillin', watching the fish.
Aug 5, 2008
Jacksonville, FL
The smell explanation smells funny to me also. When everything gets changed/ moved it stresses the fish so behavior may change. It could also be breeding behavior. I would make sure there are plenty of hiding places. You could also try a tank divider, I've used this before where you keep them separated but where they can see each other for a week or two, untill the parrots stop paying attention to him, then remove the divider and usually that will end it. I agree, its not the fishes fault and dont feel that they should be destroyed, I doubt many, if any, around here feel that way. Just that breeders should not do it.


AC Members
Sep 16, 2008
Devon UK
How big is the plec and are you in the U.S. I would be willing to buy it from you?
The pleccy is about 10 inches long in total but I live in the UK sorry.

as to hidey holes there is a large piece of driftwood also I have made some caves (of sorts) with the rocks that came with the tank and also in the corner is 1/2 a trawler about 15 inches long and about 10 inches across which is hollow but the parrots hide in there whenever I lift the lid .