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AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
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Well said, Platytudes. It sounds like you have some "Educator" in your blood (or plenty of common sense!) ;)
Ha, thanks :) My mom and grandfather (who lived with us) were teachers, so you can bet I had to figure things out myself most of my childhood, lol.

And I agree with the above...repetitive questions are inevitable, and are probably actually doing this forum some good, however they definitely alienate some of the more advanced members. There are a few I haven't seen post anything in ages, and I've got to say I miss them!


Plants need meat too
Feb 18, 2007
Gainesville, FL
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Personally, I don't see the big issue with repetitive questions. If it bothers you then ignore those threads and move on to those that you think warrant your attention! As far as I know, no one is forcing anyone else to reply to those threads. Like Platy said, it's not something you can stop...just seems like ranting for the sake of ranting at this point.

If I ever received a link to Google, I'd take it as a slap to the face. The point of this forum is to educate and for it to act as its own search engine, of sorts, with the expectation that members receive sound advice without having to wade through all the crap that is out there. There are definitely questions that do seem...asinine. A link to a species profile on a reputable site, for example, does a hell of a lot better job than just posting "use the search bar." Not only does it get the OP the correct info, but it provides an outside source they can use in future situations as well.

I honestly hope this is not a reason for someone to stop visiting the site. There is definitely a difference between the type of person petluvr opened with (the members who argue with and wont accept good advice) and those who are seriously looking for answers and may just be overwhelmed or a bit overzealous in wanting responses. As with this hobby, the forum setting is a learning experience and not everyone will understand the expectations and etiquette required for this community.

Acting like a jerk to a new person (not speaking to anyone specifically here) is an easy way to turn away a potentially valuable member to AC. I've definitely asked some stupid questions in the past and probably given some not so great advice as well when I first started participating. But I would say that a good amount of what I know about this hobby is because a more experienced member pointed out my mistakes and corrected my posts. I've definitely seen some members put down advice given by others without the courtesy of even pointing out how the person is wrong, which ultimately means the OP isn't getting the correct info either. How helpful is that?

Sorry...now it seems like I'm ranting for the sake of ranting as well...


Stroke Survivor '05
Flaming someone and then pointing out their flaws, like certain members are guilty of :)lipssealedsmilie:), does no one any good and sidetracks the thread. Somehow I don't think that will ever stop,lol. After all, we are human (I think). Etiquette really does dictate taking it to a PM, but somehow......................... Oh well!

As far as posting goes, I have to agree that some of the longtime members no longer post and having asked why, I can't argue with their position. This thread title is "RANT" and I think that Petluvr has the right to sound off once in a while as many others do. I don't see where it should be reserved for a certain few. So if we can't "rant" once-in-a-while, I guess maybe we need to move on.........................


Plants need meat too
Feb 18, 2007
Gainesville, FL
Real Name
Maybe I'm misreading your post, but I wasn't saying that one should resort to "flaming" and "pointing out their flaws"...but if someone is posting blatantly incorrect info then it certainly should be corrected, not just point out that the person is incorrect. As for it drawing people away from the site, I can't say I've really tried to poll any of these people and get their reasons as for leaving, but people come and go all the time regardless of others posting habits. I don't see anything about the site all that different than in the past. Questions have always been repeated and I don't see that changing...I doubt AC is unique in that respect as well.

Lastly, I'm not trying to say that one person deserves the privileged to getting something off their chest more than anyone else...but what's the point right now in continuing? The ranting in this thread seems to be turning rather hostile towards new members, to the point where I could certainly see it making people feel uncomfortable to ask questions at the risk being put down for asking one of these "repetitive questions." That may seem rather dramatic, but why even risk creating that type of community? I don't think it is healthy for the site to keep going on about something out of everyone's control. People are going to post like they are going to post. You can either steer them in the right direction and hope they change their attitude or avoid it altogether.


Senior Member and Goldie Enthusiast
May 3, 2012
Fargo, ND
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So, this is my kinda related, kinda off-topic, slightly preachy rant. Rbishop is probably going to yell at me for getting off topic again, but I need to get this out here. Please don't hate me guys, I love you all. :)

There was another forum I joined that, after posting one thread, I never returned to. There was a moderator, who after a brief look through of some relevant topics, seemed to post a reply to EVERY thread that was a non-answer in a rude and condescending manner. As a new member of that forum, it left a very bad taste in my mouth. I just wanted to make sure that I was taking good care of my fish. I was new to fish, and wanted to know that my setup and care practices and fish behavior was good and normal. I had read resources online for hours, but some had one rule and some followed another and I just wanted someone with experience to say this is or is not ok. Turns out it wasn't, but the fact that that ONE moderator answered with "fish x and y in size z tank? That's a GREAT idea...." and I knew that every thread I posted would be met with similar answers? I never returned, even with a few positive and helpful answers.

I came here, and everyone was super helpful, and always had lots of good ideas. They were patient and answered my questions...So I stayed. I'd like to say that I really feel like a member of a community here. Granted, there are some people, that when I see they responded to a post of mine, I groan a little and can't help but think of the mod on the other site....but I can't deny that some of those people who make me groan are excellent fish keepers and ultimately, I DO want their advice. I'm not saying that everyone should be super nice all the time to the point of being fake, but some people are just rude and condescending, and it's not just "perceived." I just wish people would stop and think before they post something about how they would feel if they switched places with that person. Once in a while, if someone is being stubborn, like in petluvr's OP, they may need a little tough love. But I don't think it's ever really called for right off the bat. We all were noobs at some point, and the golden rule doesn't stop applying to people after grade school.

I understand people getting frustrated with members who seem to post "stupid" questions that could easily be googled, and the stubborn ones who just want validation. And I can't say that I'm not guilty of being rude to those who refuse to take proper care of their fish. Seeing animals suffer when it's out of your control is definitely frustrating. I just think we should all try a little harder sometimes to just...be nice to each other, myself included. We're a little crazy fishy family here, and we might be a little dysfunctional and have a few bad apples, but we joined this forum to be here for people and have them be here for us, and I wish everyone would remember that.


AC Members
May 11, 2012
Warsaw, IN
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I had read resources online for hours, but some had one rule and some followed another and I just wanted someone with experience to say this is or is not ok.
^ this is exactly me. That's why I've probably made topics that people have seen a bunch. There aren't many specifics in this hobby so I need to ask can I specifically do this and get an answer. Or can this secific piece of equipment be used in my situation. When it comes to my pets lives I want someone more experienced to say "yes you're doing it right" or "no try this" instead of being completely new and hoping I can take the slightly different answers from multiple places and know how to interpret them


AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
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This kind of goes full circle to the original post that Larry started. People do want to hear "yes, you're doing it right" and everyone likes when they're told that (hopefully we achieve a point where we KNOW we're doing things right...and if we're doing things wrong, we sort of know that too but don't tell anyone for fear of being criticized :eek:) but I often notice when you tell people that they're NOT doing it right, the answer more often times than not is "Really? That's not what I've heard. Let me ask someone else..." and then inevitably, there WILL be people saying that they've kept goldfish with bettas before, no problem. Which makes the person feel like it's ok to do that, and it's hard to find an online resource saying specifically "Do NOT, under any circumstances, keep goldfish with bettas." which further makes it seem like it might be ok to do.

So what I ask from every member, for their own good really, is to see how...the need for validation and reassurance is all well and good, but don't take it too literally and don't stop there. Even experience doesn't mean as much as you might think. A lot of LFS people have been in the hobby for a long time, decades perhaps, and if you think back to the times of bulletproof guppies, undergravel filters, 10% water changes and adding aquarium salt to every tank - the hobby has changed. Mostly for the good (equipment has come a long, LONG way) but also for the bad (species that used to be spectacular and feisty, like many cichlids, are very washed out and tame now and the hardiest of fish, such as guppies and many other livebearers, are often ridiculously overbred - and Camallanus worms in chain pet store livebearers, at least in my area, are a problem, etc.) regardless of where the fish originate from...you probably shouldn't just take experience alone as the qualification for "expert"...all I actually know for sure about "experts" is that every expert has an expert that they look up to, and every expert knows above all else, what they don't know and how little they actually do know. Just because someone is a marine biologist does not mean that they have the innate knowledge of how to setup a successful discus tank. Because someone breeds world class discus, doesn't mean that they know the best nano reef start up kit :)

I am not referring to anyone specifically. I just mean that while there is a craving for validation, when people do things that are a little risky or pushing it or they have a gut feeling is not right, the answer they get is going to be, more than likely, not what they want to hear....but eventually they may find something they prefer to hear, something that sounds more like "ok, it *might* work" and that's not really for the best, either.

Rather than wait for someone to tell you that goldfish are or aren't ok to keep with bettas, for example, just look at the requirements of the species. One likes water that is quite warm, one likes temperate water. One is primarily an herbivore, one is primarily a carnivore. One needs hard water to be healthy, one thrives in soft water. In other words...think. Don't just read various material online for hours, that's like the difference between reading and studying. You'll never do well on a test if you just read the chapters. Take notes...collect the best information...plan, and think about what you have now and what can work with it, so that there is still a comfortable amount of space, and so that all the creatures are getting what they need, not just a middle ground where there is a considerable compromise taking place.

One of the early reasons why people end up with a dozen or more tanks is that they start taking fish out of their community tank, when they realize how very wrong the mix of fish they have is...I know that's how I started! I kept rainbowfish with bettas, rams with cories, Buenos Aires tetras with giant danios. And this was all in a 29 gallon tank, at various times (doh!) My first 3 years of fishkeeping were spent this way, and it was basically getting subscriptions to AFI and TFH that changed my ways. Up until then I was trusting the advice of people who I thought knew what they were talking about. I still remember the "fish expert" at the fish store, who maintained all the service contracts (mostly SW, though) who told me it was perfectly normal for fish to get ich and finrot every now and then :wall:

By the way, Star Sapphire, I loved your post :) It was good of you to relay your experience on the other forum, and I think it's completely relevant...it's a cautionary tale, because we really don't want to ever be that forum. Cliquish inside jokes and jabs, and condescending attitudes are never ok. We all have bad days and grumpy bouts every so often, but there's a difference between that and a pervasive, unwelcoming tone.
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AC Members
Jun 2, 2012
Madison, WI
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As a newb, to this sight and more or less to the hobby, I have a couple suggestions..
When a poster asks a fairly specific question, then goes on to explain that they know stocking isn't ideal, but water params are good, filtration is good, AND another tank it's being cycled to alleviate every crowding.. Why are nearly all of the answers "you WILL have a problem. That fish WILL get too big." Right, I get that. Said so myself. Just an example, but the thing is, I did rely on google and looking through forum archives, for over a year, before I joined a forum. And I'm thinking I joined the wrong one. I was looking for a community of hobbyists who wanted to share knowledge, both science and experience. Instead it seems like a community of hobbyists who enjoy feeling superior to others. If you do want to attract new members (maybe replenish the stock, since I guess you're losing the older ones), try to remember that not all new posters are idiots. Maybe spend less time arguing with the idiots, and more time sharing this knowledge and experience with those who are looking to gain from it. A person who claims that they CAN'T test the water, or they don't NEED to do water changes, is unlikely to learn, and guaranteed to leave you frustrated and embittered. A person who asks WHY is likely to listen to the answer. I do hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, so to speak, but really..
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Senior Member and Goldie Enthusiast
May 3, 2012
Fargo, ND
Real Name

Though a lot if times people just don't read everything. I can't tell you how many times the op has said they knew something, but there fish were in a temporary setup or something like that, and the first 12 posts were critiquing the op's stocking instead of recommending a filter. (we have some SERIOUS stocking police!) Or responses to a 10 page thread that say "I only read up to page 4, but..." Well, little did you know the same points you just made were on page 6. Or people say they just skimmed it. How are you supposed to be a part of a discussion with only half the information? That's like trying to solve an algebra problem but you only have half the equation. Maybe I'm weird but I think forums are about discussions, not just a q and a session. If you can't contribute to a discussion fully and just want to post as many half answers as you can, then go to yahoo! answers.

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