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May 29, 2007
New Jersey
Real Name
about those sidthimunki
How hard are they to care for and why do you have them in a tank all alone? I know nothing about them.
I have them in their own tank hoping that I can get them to spawn when they are mature enough. They are on the endangered species list and there is only one documented occurrence of finding some young sids in a sids tank belonging to a hobbyist over in the UK. The first 6 I obtained I kept in my discus tank for several months until I was able to buy the rest of them. While in my discus tank the 6 thrived very nicely. They are not hard to take care of at all. I keep the tank at 78-80F and heavily planted for future spawning in mind, and with lots of wood for them to squeeze into. Like clown loaches, some of them like to squeeze into small cracks to sleep for the night. I feed mine frozen bloodworms every night, along with live white worms and microworms and they eat particles from all of the pellets I drop in for the albino cories that are in there. They also love it when the cories spawn and they get to feed on the cory eggs. I feed heavy on the live food to keep them well conditioned for hopeful spawning. They are curious fish best kept in a group of at least 6 for company and by far the best clean up crew I ever had in my discus tank! They go through the gravel and plants and don't leave a speck of food behind! A very peaceful, entertaining fish, easy to care for that would be a great addition to peaceful community tanks. IF you ever have the opportunity to get some, you'll love them!