Things customers told you that you knew weren't true

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AC Members
May 13, 2008
My personal favorites...

I have a bowl and I want to put 5 goldfish in them.
Why can't I put goldfish in a bowl when it has a picture of a goldfish on the front?
My two male bettas get along great.
I'll put these oscars in my bigger tank when they get bigger (yeah right)
I'll just dump them in a lake when they get too big.
I've had a goldfish that lived 5 months in a bowl, that was a long time.
I want a fish that eats other fish poop.
I need an algae eater. Oh, they get that big? That's ok, I'll keep it in my 20 gallon tank.
If I keep it in a small tank it won't grow as big.
What's a water change?
What's a gravel vaccum?
What do you mean I have to change the filter media every month?
I need some chemicals to fix the ammonia in my tank.
A water change is too much work.
What kind of fish can I add to my turtle tank?
Why are my fish's eyes bulging out of their heads? Oh, I don't do water changes.
I've set up my tank and it's been running for 2 days, why can't I get any fish?
What is pH?
Why can't I put these mollies in my goldfish tank?
I want the brown rosy red minnows. 50 of them please.
I need 100 goldfish individually bagged for my son's birthday party, it's the kids party favors.

That's all I can think of for now..


AC Members
Apr 13, 2009
North Little Rock Ar
My college job was a water treatment plant operator. As a Civil Engineer it gave me good experience for an upcomming career. Anyway, while I worked there we would get the calls from people of who used the water for anything and everything. One day at about 10:00 AM we got a call from a lady who said that our water was TERRIBLE. We asked her why it was so bad and what was wrong with it.

Note that the water is the best municipal water withing about 50 miles - it had to be because we have a budwiser brewery that used alot of our water up and they needed good water.

Anyway this lady went on and on finally she said that her water was so bad because her fish tank was cloudy. It was all white and her fish hated the water. THEN she goes on saying that the only way she would drink the water is to mix it with gin...

The lady had a new aquarium plus she was drunk - at 10 am. We laughed and laughed...


AC Members
Oct 21, 2005
Some that came to my mind:

"You can keep two male bettas in at least a 20gal"
"What kind of algae eating fish can i put in my betta bowl?"
"I have a betta bowl with algae, do you have any chemicals to get rid of it?"
"What can i use in my betta bowl to clear the water up, it's really cloudy"
"No my oscar (5in) won't eat that dwarf aquatic frog (1in), i only feed him fish"
"Bala sharks grow to 3ft and need saltwater tanks, since they are sharks"
"The cardinal tetras i bought were too small for my 29gallon, they just got stuck to the filter and died"
"I want colorful fish for my daughter, so i want cichlids and goldfish, a 2.5gallon is enough right?"


Jan 9, 2009
OMG i need to read more of this at home...

*the customer that brags and buys nothing*

I was at a not so local Marine fish store ... A customer was hogging up the owners time.

He was bragging about his 250g tank he still had in a crate...and thinking of buying a nano for now and frag sps in it.. 30 min later.. he is still bragging about the tank and buying nothing.

I finally busted into her conversation to buy some corals... then he butts in and tries to answer my question.And answering poorly.

She was not amused. Nor was I when he told me about his fricking tank ...
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AC Members
Nov 30, 2006
There is no way Cowfish/Boxfish are related to Pufferfish. See? He has an exoskeleton!

Feed the Cowfish bloodworms. He'll be fine in no time!


AC Members
Mar 16, 2009
It doesn't take long working in any job to learn that the customer is rarely if ever right.