Tiger barbs

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Stroke Survivor '05
I have 1 very aggressive angelfish and I got so tired of him picking at all the other fish I tossed him into the tiger barb tank and wished him luck. Since that time he has grown and no one messes with him nor does he pick at the other fish. Go figure!

As far as your desire for an Oscar - think long and hard. Oscars can be very aggressive or very passive. It just depends on the individual personality. I have one that will try to kill or eat anything and another that makes "friends" with any other fish in the tank. The aggressive one has a very aggressive Pink Convict and a 12" Plec in a 90 gallon. I can't put anything more in with them as they either one will kill a newcomer.

The passive one is so passive that when the cons had spawned it never bothered the fry. It didn't even try.