what will go with a jaguar in 125G tank

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AC Members
Jan 19, 2003
First Off, a jaguar is not good cichlid to attempt a community tank with. I know to you a 125 is a huge tank. But as far as mixing large, predatory, CA cichlid it is the bare minimum. Some questions for you. Is you jag a Male? Do you have previous experience keeping a larger predatory cichlids in a community system? Do you have working knowledge of how to curb cichlid aggression by using rock work, decor and Line of site surpression? If you never hard this before don't let it scare you off it's not that hard. I keep a male jag, male trimac, male midas, in a 265 with NO problems. In fact my midas was just at a show with not even a spit fin. It can be done. I'm just trying to get a feel for your experience level and what we are dealing with, so I'm not wasting time telling you things you already know. I can tell you that a male jag can and may take over a 125 gal. tank with no problem.


AC Members
Nov 27, 2002
Pensacola, Fl
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ok, he's my first predator but i do have other cichlid tanks with five differant types of fish. the jag, a male, is in a tank with a pike who i made places for him to hide and the jag can't get to. I knew the jag was not regular community fish, but i didnt know about the line of site and using rock set up to lessen aggerssivness. i kinda figured if he can see them then its not a problem, so i tried to set up the rocks and drift wood in that way. but i think he is use to the pike cause he really doesnt bother him.

Harry Tolen

Cichlid Fan
Aug 17, 2000
Union, WA, USA
I do not think it would be a good idea to try and mix any cichlids with a Jag in a tank that size. However, a large pleco or two and a trio of large synodontis catfish would probably be able to hold their own, provided they had a lot of driftwood for cover, and they would liven up the tank quite a bit. The larger synodontis species include: angelicus, acanthomias, decorus, schall, and ornatipinnis.


AC Members
Jan 19, 2003
Being a established male in a 125 there is a very good chance he will not tolorate anything. I have also found that most jaguars do not tolorate bottom feeders/catfish well either. I will tell you this. Pike cichlids do not receive punishment well. The pike is outmatched, trust me remove him. If the jag was a female I would recommend trying another robust cichlid like a midas, trimac, or large nasty male taxas. But being a male jag in 125 the risk to other cichlids is too great. It sounds like even though you have all the bases covered in trems of rock work and aggression control the tank is his. This happens all to often where guapotes are involved. About the only thing I could recommend is Start over with 2 small cichlids (1.5 to 3 inches) and grow them up together this helps them accept one another. Or if you want cichlid community try less terratorial SA cichlids like severum, chocolate cichlids, green terrors and you already have a pike cichlid.


AC Members
Nov 27, 2002
Pensacola, Fl
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sorry i didnt make myself clear the jaguars is in a 55G tank right now i havent gotten the 125G yet. and he has somewhat grown up with the pike. the jag is about 7 inch, is he consitered an adult now.


AC Members
Jun 18, 2003
New York
Fully grown Jag is 12"-14". You should check predatorcichlid website for more information. You can also look at www.aquamojo.com. Even though information isn't very detail, both websites give you some idea what full grown Jag looks like.


AC Members
Nov 27, 2002
Pensacola, Fl
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if i get a pair of jag's are they going to like my convicts do after they mate and attack each other, that would really suck. and would stop feeding him live food lessen his aggeration
here's a pic of him
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Oct 9, 2002
I noticed that ChiliDawg said you have to decorate the tank.....
Don't bother with plants, real or fake!! The jag will just tear them up.

If you were to decorate the tank then add the Jag..he will rearrange it to what he wants. Our's has moved large rocks and relocated the gravel and destroyed plants. We tried making caves with the rocks....he knocked them down and moved them.

Also, if you moved the pike into the 125 with the Jag...the pike could very well be in alot of trouble. The Jag will try to claim the whole tank as his. I agree what Chili said about the pike with the jag in the 125.
I watched our Jag try to burry the two fish we had in the tank before him. I removed them since they shouldn't have been there in the first place. (Husband's work there)
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