What Works for Me May Not Work for You

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I know just enough to be dangerous
Mar 28, 2009
Silverdale, WA.
    • MTS 5g, 12g, 45g, 55g, 75g :dive:
    • Well Water and add directly to tank no Conditioner :tropicalfish:
    • UGF with Power Heads Rock! Set up first UGF in 1980 :cool-1:
    • Love my Python and do 50% WC Weekly :bday:
    • Deep Vac Gravel with WC :mwave:
    • Over Stock and Love It :lol2:
    • Use Fish In Cycle with White Clouds and then feed them to my Oscar :nutkick:
    • Tank is finished cycling when Algae shows up on glass and plants :hi:
    • Pleco of one type or another in every tank to clean algae :frog:
    • Lights on 12 hour Timers :perv:
    • Use Carbon :y220e:
    • Prime is Snake Oil :devil:
    • Use API Test Kit and Trust Other API products :clap:
    • Plastic Plants :dance:
    • Hide Power cords, Plumbing, Air tubing, behind Rocks and Plastic Plants :troll:
    • Don't QT but don't add LFS water to tank last time I did that I got Snails :eek3:
    • Hate Snails :headshake2:
    • Won't Even Buy Cat Litter from Walmart :eek:
    • Chevy over Ford :silly:


;sup' dog? ;woof and a wwwoof!
Jan 21, 2009
:rofl: O M G I would not expect any less from you :rofl:

all this talk about ammonia, i am not sure why others don't try also... pee i guess, gross. that's what the fish do in there though so it only kinda makes sense. and yes that's exactly why it was numero uno on my list. i will be setting up a tank for a friend in the near future and i think i might coaxe him into peeing in a cup for me so i don't feel so bad. so yes i plan on trying it and kinda pawning it off on a friend... that's my update on my confession.

thanks kyryah... you bring out the best in me :silly:... :rofl:


AC Members
Aug 25, 2008
Northern Virginia
1. Never test water parameters (test kits too hard to open, covered in crustiness, I guess that's what happens when they are at least 5 years old!)
2. Never QT'ed a fish
3. Actually considered replacing my plasma tv so I could have a bigger tank
4. Frozen mean fish before instead of bringing them back to the fish store :eek:
5. Definately overstocked my tank, but I did see a lemon tetra swimming funny last night so maybe I can replace him with 2 more fish!
6. Hate the smell of AmQuel, won't ever use it
7. Replace carbon whenever I clean the filters (once a month or so)
8. My plastic plants look real because of the hair algae
9. My python is a life saver! Only use it to fill the tank, use a different syphon to empty the water out my front door (Had my neighbor come running over to my front door while cleaning the tank because he thought I flooded my house!)
10. I have 2 fish that I have no idea what they are.


;sup' dog? ;woof and a wwwoof!
Jan 21, 2009
I will add another:

I con my wife into doing 90% of the tank maintenance and when she starts falling behind I buy her some flowers . Seems to work every time.
:eek: :lipssealedsmilie: :evil_lol: :dance: oh, that's evil and sneaky... i like it. :thm:


AC Members
Jun 20, 2009
1) I read every post start to finish. . . And I'm sad that I've reached the end.

2) I covet a dream of a large interconnected aquarium system spanning my basement, and secretly plan to purchase new tanks and equipment once a month in pursuit of this goal.

3) Hold a grandiose dream of breeding amicable bettas and conquering millenniums of natural selection and evolution.

4) I don't mind pursuing the impossible with the utmost zeal :)

5) I've read more about caring for aquariums than I did to pass my quantum mechanics class :p

6) I feel more comfortable with my understanding of QM than I do about keeping fish :) Aquariums are hard :-(

7) I've found that self-proclaimed authorities on aquariums will give contradicting/unfounded/anecdotal/superstitious evidence. Which is why I love this thread. There ARE so many more factors in good fish care, and so many ways to achieve it than many "experts" would have you believe.

8) My QT tanks always seem to become just "tanks". :-(
Last edited:
Dec 20, 2006
i keep all of my tanks at 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

my 55 community gets fed 3x daily, but my other tanks sometimes get forgotten.

if i have an aggression problem i can't fix, i set up a new tank if possible. taking back a live fish is my last resort.

i have well water with no chlorine so sometimes i don't use dechlorinator while other times i get very paranoid and overdose my tanks during change days.

i buy most of my fish from walmart, petco, and petsmart.

i've never quarantined a fish.

i don't keep track of my tank maintenance and believe i often go up to two weeks between water changes.

i always change at least 50% of my water at every water change just to be safe.

i almost never clean out my filter or media unless the flow has slowed significantly and i'm afraid of oxygenation problems.

in my smaller tanks, i take the inhabitants out during gravel vacs/water changes.

i've never owned a test kit. i just borrow other people's if it's really important. usually it's not.

i've never fish-less cycled. i fish-in cycled my first tank and the rest have used filter media from that tank.

i've never bought a fish tank kit.

i never put a whole tank together at a time. i leave them barebottom or they go with no heater or a sponge filter for a while because i'm impatient.

i use heaters in the summer and go without in the winter.

i have 6 tanks and only 1 legit stand.

i don't understand how sponge filters work, but i use them anyway.

i've never used salt and i never will.

my lights aren't on any schedule. they're turned on when i wake up and turned off when i go to bed. except for the one in the dining room. i forget about that one sometimes. =/

i use my mom's mopping bucket for water changes and she doesn't know what the snail shells are or where they come from.

i overstock and underfilter.

sometimes i let my java moss grow to the top of the water in my ten gallons because i'm lazy and my guppies hate it. =O

i've wanted a python for years. i was introduced to buckets just recently. before that, i was doing everything with bowls and milk jugs.


May the fish be with you.
Dec 20, 2006
Dallas, TX
1. I dont float new fish, as soon as I get home I drain the water in the bag and dump the new fish in.
2. I dont test water
3. I couldnt care less bout ph
4. All snails are welcome in my tanks (i gave up the snail war years ago)
5. 50%+ water change weekly in the discus tank
6. All tanks get sand
7. Only real plants
8. Push the limits of stocking
9. Get all my rocks from the lake (been known to nab them out of neighbors flower bed! :evil_lol:)
10. I dont feed my fish everyday
11. The lights come on when I get up, and go off when I go to bed
12. I flush dead fish (and some times sick fish)
13. I am not scared of Wal-Mart fish
14. I dont always thaw frozen fish food, the fish follow around floating cubes of food pecking on them until food falls off.
15. I have done tank maintence drunk!

I think thats all........


AC Members
Jan 30, 2008
Northern Michigan
Once again, the is THE most cathardic thread EVER!!!
Love it - love it - love it!