Will someone do something!!!!boycot wal-mart fish tanks!!!

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AC Members
Mar 21, 2005
several ways. ffirst females have rounder dorsal fins and have red on their belly area. though its hard to tell when its in an lfs . still you hve to admit she was a newbie . i mean ' 'no ours are grey''


AC Members
Sep 11, 2004
well .. i be damned. im starting to think the convict cichlid that my parents used to raised were not convicts. they breed like them, but they were black stripes with stark white background .. possibly muddled grey when they were stressed. but i clearly remember that they sexes were identical and definately no red scales. so what were we breeding?

a google search almost makes them look like stripy oscers.


Jul 9, 2005
i agree as well.

maybe they should just stick to selling good name brand fish supplies, just not the fish. my local walmart seem to take pretty decent care of there fish, but they are lacking about asmuch as local fish store in some aspects, i do like prices on my bio bag filter cartriges though.


Registered Member
Jul 11, 2005
Sick of Wal-mart as well

Michael_G said:
im really pissed off today. i went to wal--mart and i noticed that they had 1'' oscars in their tanks. i ussually keep my mouth shut in situations like this and i didd until this 12 year old kid with his momma shows up with one of those cheap 5 gallon bowfront tanks.they look around and just that poor fishe's luck they pick a liitle itty baby oscar. i know why people like thenm with the black and white patterns.anyways they ask this old lady that they chucked in at that section if the oscar would be ok in that 5g. i almost spontaneously combusted when she said it would be fine andd even tried to sell her some neons to go with him. the old lady got called off for a few minutes so i took the chance and walked up to the lady(she got scared the firt few seconds ,i happen to be 6'4. )i explained to her that the oscar gets about 30cms long and that even neon wouldnt be ok in the 5g (imagine chucking neons in an unheated uncycled tank)i hink the oscar sighed of relief when she left and put the 5g back on the shelf where it should stay. maybe i should have made a suggestion like a betta with cories and a snail or whatever. anyways when the fish hag shows up while im deciding which betta i rescue she asks me where the lady went . i tell her and boy was she pissed. she told me to get out of her section ( :argue: :rant2: :rant2: :argue: which i did with pleasure(after gettin a gorgeous purple and blue crowntail betta).now was i in the wrong? i dont think so.every time i got to a wal-mart im really sad for the poor fish in there(including the ones decomposing in the filter intake). shoulnt someone d some thing. what do you all think of this?

(every time i got there i end up with high pressure and a headache.)
Here you go this is a link against walmart you can sign it if you really want to help these poooooooor fish out http://www.petitiononline.com/sickfish/petition.html

El Barto

gotta trunk fulla junk
Jul 8, 2005
quebec in canada
well i signed the petition. hope it helps in some way.maybe soomeone should start a thread to get everyone to sign it.


AC Members
Apr 28, 2005
Please do not sign ANY petitions for animal rights! More often than not, you are associating yourself with a group of people that have one desire: to eliminate the keeping of any and all animals in captivity, from fish to cattle. Furthermore, many of these groups, namely PETA, has frequently funded extremist fringe organizations that have direct association to terrorists and terrorism. This may sound off the wall, but it is the truth. Your best option is to sit down in front of your computer or at your kitchen table and write Wal-Mart directly. Helping an animal rights group is shooting yourself in the foot.


In loving memory of Meeko
Jul 23, 2003
Okay, I agree that walmart needs to up the care of the living creatures within there stores.... BUT,

It is up to the consumer to do research on what they plan to buy, I don't know about you guys, but whenever I am trying to get info about something I go to a neutral source... someone who isn't going to make or lose anything when they give me information. Seriously, would you believe that frootloops are the best thing you could feed your kid just because the add says so?

On top of that: a great many people in the USA (and around the world for that matter) look at animals and see something disposable. That's why they buy fish that will get too big for the tanks they have and say "I'll take it back when it gets too big" or people who dump their 5 month old puppy at the shelter because "I can't take care of it anymore".

Education and responsibility are the keys, not boycotting. I don't know about you guys, but my family can't really afford to buy from "specialty" shops for some things because they charge twice as much for the same product, just simply because their a specialty shop.

Just MVHO.


Registered Member
Jan 27, 2005
The reason people go to Wal Mart is not to put a specialty shop out of business Raskolnikov, it's because Americans are always looking for the best possible deal for their cash. Wal Mart often has the best price. No I'm not a Wal Mart employee or anything, I'm actually in the military, and feel if another store can do better they should. Just because Wal Mart gets all this bad press doesn't mean they don't sell some good stuff. I don't buy fish at Wal Mart because usually the fish there look like garbage. I know one store in town that has benefitted by having Wal Mart come in. They fix frustrated pet owners after Wal Mart screwed them up.