Woo Hoo, got my new 160g!!

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AC Members
Nov 18, 2009
San Diego CA
So, everyone has their own way of doing this, this is mine.
Just take from it what you feel comfortable with.
These days I'm used to working w/ acrylic, and I have no probs using a torch to bend it, but this step can be eliminated if you are not comfy w/ a simple propane gas bottle torch(the HD cheapo's)
I use 1/2" -5/8"rods, you can use smaller, but I wouldn't do smaller than 3/8"
I bend one piece, a V shape base and a vert at each end going up.
I use a flat scrap piece of acrylic to attach this to, by drilling holes in flat, zip tying, and using weldon #16 to secure.
This all gets covered w/ sand, so no need for pretty.

Now, you can bypass this step if not comfy, or tank is setup and you don't want to disturb sand bed.
You can drill base rocks half to 3/4 way through, and just insert rods that way too.
I use a cheapo masonry bit from HD, one size bigger than rods.
I keep LR in buckets, and cover w/ wet towel(SW) while working w/ them.
The key is to stack like a 3d puzzle, making look natural, and try to hide rods(they are clear, so not a big)
I also do this on a template so I can work around overflows, and also very key** make sure you leave space to clean glass


AC Members
Feb 1, 2010
what type of clowns are those in your tank they have alot of white in them compared to others i have seen and very nice set up:thm: