Red markings on angel fish

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AC Members
Apr 18, 2020
Hi everyone
I need your help or your thoughts about my angel fishes.
My angel fishes are having some red markings where dorsal fin and pectoral fin starts and above mouth. Should I be worried about because those markings are growing as the size of fish in increasing.
Hope it's just a coloration.
please let me know


AC Members
Apr 18, 2020
How long have you had them? What are your ammonia readings? Did you cycle the tank at all? How long was the tank running? Perhaps angelcraze angelcraze could help you.
I have them for past 6 months and this tank is with me for 6+ years but before this community tank it used to be arowana tank. I have never taken Ammonia readings but I change 30% water once a week.


AC Members
Apr 18, 2020
How long have you had them? What are your ammonia readings? Did you cycle the tank at all? How long was the tank running? Perhaps angelcraze angelcraze could help you.
I have them for past 6 months and this tank is with me for 6+ years but before this community tank it used to be arowana tank. I have never taken Ammonia readings but I change 30% water once a week.


AC Members
Mar 21, 2020
Hi, what a pretty angel :) Wish I could tell better if that is redness along the perimeter of the body where the fins meet, but it's hard to tell. Sometimes my light colored angels have a pinkish hue....

I can see the redness at the pectoral fin pivot point and near the mouth though. Is the pectoral the same on the other side or is there less redness?

I know when they do a lot of quick swimming, the pivot point can turn red/pink. But it doesn't last more than a couple days. And also, there is the redness at the mouth. How long ago did you notice it? When you say it's growing, do you mean redder or a larger area?
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AC Members
Apr 18, 2020
Thank you for the compliment.
Yes pectoral fin on other side is same.
It's growing in area. I won't say it's spreading all over the body but it's growing as the fish size is increasing. I noticed first 1 month ago and thought it's coloration but now I am having doubt if it's kind of infection or something.


AC Members
Mar 21, 2020
Hmmm does it look like a cut? Or redness more under the skin? Sorry for all the questions. I don't even know of the answers will help. Unfortunately the redness at the pectoral joints and face are not normal coloration, but I can't tell if it's anything concerning or anything you can do about it.

It would be really helpful for you to know your water conditions by testing it. But increasing water changes does not do any harm and often fresh water is all the fish needs to heal. So that would be my first move, i'd do 2 x 30% water changes per week. You could change out 30% everyday if you wanted to because beneficial bacteria is not free floating in the water anyways.

A great natural antifungal and antibacterial to use in fish tanks is Indian Almond Leaves (IAL). They are also known as catappa leaves. I always add a fresh leaf to my tank when I see something off. I keep my leaves in a DIY pantyhose bag and place/hang it in the filter flow. That way the leaves don't make a mess and the healing properties of the leaves are being circulated throughout the tank. It also gets the compounds into the water faster. I use about 1 large leaf per 30 gallons when there's an issue.
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AC Members
Apr 18, 2020
Hmmm does it look like a cut? Or redness more under the skin? Sorry for all the questions. I don't even know of the answers will help. Unfortunately the redness at the pectoral joints and face are not normal coloration, but I can't tell if it's anything concerning or anything you can do about it.

It would be really helpful for you to know your water conditions by testing it. But increasing water changes does not do any harm and often fresh water is all the fish needs to heal. So that would be my first move, i'd do 2 x 30% water changes per week. You could change out 30% everyday if you wanted to because beneficial bacteria is not free floating in the water anyways.

A great natural antifungal and antibacterial to use in fish tanks is Indian Almond Leaves (IAL). They are also known as catappa leaves. I always add a fresh leaf to my tank when I see something off. I keep my leaves in a DIY pantyhose bag and place/hang it in the filter flow. That way the leaves don't make a mess and the healing properties of the leaves are being circulated throughout the tank. It also gets the compounds into the water faster. I use about 1 large leaf per 30 gallons when there's an issue.
No it's surely not a cut. I have 4 pairs and all of them have these markings more or less. And there is no aggressive behavior amongst them. If it's not an infection then I believe my fishes are healthy.
Are we suppose to use dry almond leaf or fresh?
I have heard dry leaf got ph regulator properties. Antifungal and antibacterial property I came to know first time.
I am gonna start changing 30% water on alternate days, let's see if there are any changes.
Do you know any website or article where I can check the muscles of angel fishes?
Thank you
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the loach

AC Members
Aug 6, 2018
I can't really tell from the pics, but if you have 4 pairs, and all 8 of them have it (on both sides even?) it's just a marking, with koi that can vary greatly. Don't pair them up if you want to breed them... they are all siblings.
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