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  1. Astarell

    New 180 gallon set up

    It's a fake plant, goldfish will absolutely eat anything live you give them, lol. This was built for salt as well, there is a sump tower in the middle of the right-hand wall. I've got the heater on it right now. But since I'm not using the sump, as long as I don't fill it all the way up to...
  2. Astarell

    New 180 gallon set up

    Okay let's try that again because I'm a moron and can't figure out how to edit my original post either.
  3. Astarell

    New 180 gallon set up

    So I'm not sure I put the pictures in right, I've never added images before. But assuming I did, this is my new 180 gallon! I've got a more powerfull pump on order from Amazon so I'm waiting to put in the second sponge filter until it arrives; right now I'm using the pump and filter from my...
  4. Astarell

    75 Gallon Stocking Idea

    If you're looking for color you could consider dwarf neon rainbowfish. They've got sparkling iridescent bodies and either red or yellow fins. I know they get a long fine with tetras, plecos, and corys. Not sure about the angels or the GBR so you may want to research but generally if tetras...
  5. Astarell

    Where in the world is Adrian HD?

    Oh! I see what you meant, Adrian HD is on aquabid. I thought you were just telling me where I could get some endlers, lol. Thank you so much!
  6. Astarell

    Where in the world is Adrian HD?

    Aquabid makes me nervous, lol. They say class N but when I was looking there a few years ago it was impossible to find one that had verifiable documentation to back it up. Maybe they've gotten better, or pretty soon I think I'm gonna have to shell out some serious money for the ones I do know...
  7. Astarell

    Where in the world is Adrian HD?

    As some of you may know, I'm super into endlers livebearers. The foremost expert on them and one of only three places that I know of to get class N endlers (And the only one that had more than two or three strains) has apparently disappeared from the internet. His site has been "Under...
  8. Astarell

    The Newest of Newbies

    With a betta you've probably never had one before, but you should get yourself a test kit to check your water parameters and make sure everyone stays happy, no matter what fish you decide on for your 10 gallon. Tetras are a good choice, mollys and platys are also easy to care for, or male...
  9. Astarell

    Dwarf Neon! Blue Gourami pics

    Very nice!
  10. Astarell

    Breeding Furcatas

    I've been trying to find some furcatus (forktail rainbowfish) because I've only got 5 and would really like about 12. Now, for some reason they are impossible to find. My LFS stopped carrying them and online the few places I've found that carry them are all out of stock or in europe which...
  11. Astarell

    Python pros and cons

    Tanker- Ooooh, okay, like the commercial ones they use in office buildings and restaurants. That makes so much more sense. And that's a brilliant idea with it being mobile, especially if you can put it outside with some screening on top and use it like a rain barrel to collect nice...
  12. Astarell

    New to the hobby, have a few questions. (well, several)

    If you can't get the test kit, take a sample of your water to a big chain store. They'll test it for free. Now, take that with a grain of salt because they will test it with strips, not with a liquid test kit, so it won't be as exact but it should give you an idea of what you need to work on most.
  13. Astarell

    Aquarium soul

    Just take a clean, unused toothbrush and wipe the soil off the sides, it'll settle back to the bottom. Don't use a cloth or something like that or you can scratch your tank though.
  14. Astarell

    Marina breeder box.

    fishorama- it comes in three sizes, 0.5 gallons which has vertical dividers, 0.3 gallons, and 0.2 gallons. That one looks like the 0.3 gallon one. Joel- I've got both the 0.5 gallons and the 0.3 gallons and I love it. You'll want to put a sponge over the intake tube in the main tank though...
  15. Astarell

    Python pros and cons

    No need to apologize! I know I look ridiculous doing it. What is this Brute? You've mentioned it a couple of times now and I was picturing like one of those plastic garbage cans on wheels but I couldn't figure out how you would roll it full of water 'cause you gotta tilt it to make the wheels go.
  16. Astarell

    Python pros and cons

    No worries, it's not a derail. I'd like to hear more, if a pump could make it even easier I'm all for it! Tanker and fishorama: I cheat. The tank is in the dining room so first I lift it onto a chair, then the table, then bend down and sorta hug it ontop of my boobs (handy built-in shelf...
  17. Astarell

    Python pros and cons

    Thanks for the stories guys! Makes me feel even better about my decision, there's no way I could keep up the bucket thing, especially as I get older, lol. And I am NOT giving up my tanks so I'm glad there is a solution. :) Tanker- I hadn't thought about that before, but I figure there's...
  18. Astarell

    Ready to restock 29G. What's your coolest stocking ideas?

    Neon tetras are always standard for a little flash, and I'm partial to endlers myself. They're bright, colorful, and active all day. Add in a couple shrimp in your choice of color which are really fun to watch as well and you've got the makings of a bright, firework-y celebration tank. :)
  19. Astarell

    Mycobacteria?, QT & me

    That really sucks, putting in all that time and effort and still having unfortunate things happen. Ya do what ya can and the rest is up to fate. Honestly, if you want to be totally sure, just buy a new tank and filter. $1 a gallon sale is your friend! I'd suggest craigslist as well but that...
  20. Astarell

    Python pros and cons

    I can't tell you how much I dread water change day for my main tank, the smaller ones don't bother me but on my 126 gallon tank, doing a 30% water change is ~38 gallons. Right now I have to get on a step stool, reach my arm into the tank to get the siphon into the gravel, and empty it out into...