So finally I think my lid is coming, I am very excited to get started. I am going out into the tundra today (it’s snowing outside) to get twigs. I am going to slowly add botanicals and then even get bryzoans and possibly freshwater sponge. I am planning on a stock of 4 apistogramma borellei 6 corydoryas palateus 10 eques tetra 10 bloodfin tetra 2 whiptail pleco 8 ghost shrimp and a trio of dusky millions fish I might have to take some artistic liberties with the leaves I am going to be having it so it warms in the summer with a heater and cools in the winter. It will be done in botanical style and come lightly planted. Mostly floaters but I might include stuff like cryptocoryne because swords are too high light or mabye vallisinera will post more later