10 gallon stocking!

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AC Members
Oct 17, 2011
Fayetteville, AR, USA
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Not that I want to re-flame this issue, but I am curious if this makes me an irresponsible law breaker.
When he states he released the frogs into his "moms pond" this is what I picture:

This is my dads koi pond. A pond I have been upkeeping since his passing. A pond I stock with tad poles every spring in order to get frogs for the purpose of insect control. A pond I stock with crayfish as well as koi. Animals all readily available at local lfs for the sole purpose of stocking a pond. And, more than likely I would have done the same thing and moved the frogs to the pond if I wanted to free up a 10gal tank. I know the health of my own animals.
I highly doubt that situation is against the law, or endangers wildlife.
I guess my point is that before we all jump on our "responsibility" soap box the question of "what kind of pond is it?" Should have been asked.

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Actually, I don't think it's the kind of pond but the kind wildlife. The animals you're getting from your LFS every year are probably native and expected in the local environment, so if they get out it doesn't matter. His frogs were nonnative or "invasive" in the wild. That could be completely harmless or disastrous depending on the local wildlife, habitat, and the invasive species in question.


AC Members
Sep 27, 2005
I don't understand why you want to set up another tank with new fish if you released the frogs since you were to busy/couldn't afford to care for them. Maybe you should not get anything new. Why not put your poor betta in there instead of a bowl. I have a 10g with a betta and he is super happy. On another note... I totally assumed the frogs were rehomed and it was the gravel that went in the pond (which I did think was weird but whatever). I guess I totally misread that one! And yes you shouldn't release them. My friend caught a tiny toad which is now large and living with me since she was either going to keep it in its non filter 10g with goldfish are release it. I don't even really think people should release local frogs they have caught, exposed to stuff and kept for a while back to the wild. With that.. does anyone want a toad? ;)


AC Members
May 11, 2012
Warsaw, IN
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The reason I am getting the 10 gallon is because I'm upgrading my 5.5, also because I have MTS. It won't cost me anything to upgrade.

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Well he wasn't just talking about the money. He was more concerned with the betta being in such a small space (which I can't comment on because I don't know anything about that. I'm just now learning it's not ok to keep bettas in those very small containers they sell for them. I've never had a betta) and you maybe not putting the time in on the tanks you have if you had to release the frogs because you felt like they were too much work. I'm not saying that is true I'm just saying it seems like it might be a concern some of us have


Learning a lot everyday
Feb 2, 2012
Georgetown(Near Austin) ,Texas
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IMO Fish tanks are easier to keep than amphibians, the food is also A LOT cheaper.

I felt that the pond was the frogs best home for them, that is why I put them out there.

If I see them I will catch them and find them another home.

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Learning a lot everyday
Feb 2, 2012
Georgetown(Near Austin) ,Texas
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About the stocking...

Today I went to petsmart and I got an AWESOME heater, it has a built in thermostat that controls temperature, it was 25 dollars though.

I also picked up an eclipse catfish for my 20 gallon, I'm going to make sure he's safe and keep him in my 5.5 for a few days.

Now that I think about it, I want a community tank in the 10 gallon. I will get a fish every once in a while and put it in there.

New heater:ImageUploadedByMonsterAquariaNetwork1338671529.452228.jpg
(the temperature is so high because I'm using it as a hospital tank for one of my cichlids

Eclipse catfish:ImageUploadedByMonsterAquariaNetwork1338671697.526360.jpg
It is about an inch and a half

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Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
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Mr. Normal
errrmm..your asking for suggestions, after you got it...lmao....