10G Split Betta Tank~Help Please

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Gold Thunder
Aug 16, 2003
Portland, Oregon
I know what you said. But a lot of flaring and stuff like that isn't stressful to them. As far as what I was saying about isolation, I was talking in general, not to what you said. My parents keep bettas alone all the time, and I keep telling them they should put them in a divided aquarium. But they are smarter than me at everything...They're my parents afterall :D


AC Members
Mar 29, 2005
( I hate to side with your parents, but)
actually I believe that flaring all the time Is physically stressful to them. It means they aref eeling threatenned and ready to fight and that is a stressful state. In nature, they seem to find small territories and like to keep everyone else out. except the occasional female for a Short time.
Lots of times in the split tanks,though they stop flaring after a while.maybe plants or something so they are not in constant view of one another might help.
I think splitting the 5.5 and keeping the rest of your fish in the ten is a way better than trying to do them all in the ten.
You could not add Any other fish. Maybe an african dwarf frog, or a snail in each side with a betta.
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Gold Thunder
Aug 16, 2003
Portland, Oregon
Yeah I think any fish, whether it be a betta or a botia should have a place to hide. However as far as bettas feeling threatened when displaying? I don't believe this is true.

"A researcher took two male bettas and went to the middle of a large lake. There he released them. Having all the space in the world, what did they do? They proceeded to flare at each other and fight. Go figure. I concluded that fighting is not linked to territoriality when it comes to betta. Nor does either betta seem to want to get away. More like a nasty bad habit. Or maybe an addiction?"
ANYWAYS: Your bettas should definitely be put separate from the other fish. there's simply not enough room. They would benefit from having some floating and rooted plants in the aquarium as well. Most anabantoids love a floating plant to hide under.


AC Members
Jan 16, 2005
Northeast Connecticut
jaylin said:
You want to be careful putting bettas next to each other. If they can see each other and spend a lot of time flairing out ... that's stressful to them. I think it's just plain cruel to put betta's where they are always looking at each other. If you have a see through divider, at least provide some areas where they can hide out.

Actually, that's not true....all of my betta have betta neighbors. And they do flare and make faces at each other at first, but soon get used to the guy next door and basically ignore each other. But I do find that when they have a neighbor they are more alert and active....not flaring at each other, but just swimming around and showing interest in thier surroundings. Unlike most lone betta that I've seen that usually end up just hanging listless in their bowl without much activity.

I have 20 betta by the way...all healthy, active and well cared for. Two of the oldest I have had for over a year and a half....which since most are at least a year old before sold in the stores...that makes them almost 3 years old....and still as active as when I first bought them.


AC Members
Sep 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
I want a betta, I was thinking of getting one with a small fish bowl. Just because I feel bad for them at the store in little cups.


AC Members
Mar 29, 2005
My lone bettas in 5 gallons are happy* :) . EMGS bettas with neighbors are happy. :bowing:
Some bettas in some community tanks can be happy. :cool2: Bettas in bowls are often listless.(not happy) :(

Constant flaring is unhappy.
Having neighbors does Not equal constant flaring.

* 'happy' = healthy, responsive, active, long lived


Best Invention EVER!
Apr 16, 2002
Barrie, ON. Canada
Personally, I always keep my Bellas in gallon jars in rooms with an ambient temp of atleast 75....No substrate and water changes and vaccuming (Mr. Turkey baster) every other day. My question is though, why do you want more fish, when you cant house the ones you have? Male Bettas ALWAYS do better in still water or extremely slow moving water...Those 2 gal. filtered jobbies are death traps for bettas...Regarding the neighbour things, i housed 200 side by side with no probs...Infact it is beneficial for the males when it comes to finnage growth and development..A reason to strut their stuff sort of speak...


Don't ask if you don't want to know
Aug 14, 2005
Denver-ish Colorado.
Emg said:
I have 20 betta by the way...all healthy, active and well cared for. Two of the oldest I have had for over a year and a half....which since most are at least a year old before sold in the stores...that makes them almost 3 years old....and still as active as when I first bought them.
I had my oldest betta for close to 6 years old before he died. Using your logic, he was closer to 7 and a half years when he died, he was in a vase with a plant ... and still active up until two days before he died. With few exceptions, most of my bettas easily live for 4+ years and unless I get lazy, they stay really active. I've been keeping them for over 20 years. Currently I only have two, but that doesn't mean I don't know my bettas.

Pthththhth! :rolleyes: (I'm playing with you.)

And I have to say this, if you bring home two bettas and stick them in a tank together where they can see each other all the time ... they'll flair for two or three days without a lot of rest. That's just not healthy. And in my opinion, it's cruel.

And the "lake experiment" is an urban legend.


AC Members
Jun 15, 2005
Spokane, WA, USA
Mine did flare at each other off and on the first couple days. Nothing near constant though. Maybe for a minute or two tops, then they would ignore each other for a while. They still flare from time to time but in general I think all 4 compartments in my split tank have decent cover. I have a female in the compartment that has the filter because females have smaller fins and the current isn't as much of a big deal to them. All in all however they all seem happier and healthier then they did in their individual 2 gallon tank or vase or what have you. They swim around more, their fins fan out more, not droopy as they were in their previous homes.

Just my experience, however admittedly this is my only experience with bettas. Not near the years of experience others have.