10G Split Betta Tank~Help Please

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Jul 18, 2005
Quezon City, Philippines
speaking of bettas i have a question..

are they compatible tankmates with swordtails, mollies, or platies?
thanks to anyone who will answer :D


Gold Thunder
Aug 16, 2003
Portland, Oregon
they're compatable *in general* with short finned, non fin-nipping fish. It will compete with other "flarey" fish and this happened to me once in my naive 13 year old fish keeping days...The betta lost.


Don't ask if you don't want to know
Aug 14, 2005
Denver-ish Colorado.
khombre said:
speaking of bettas i have a question..

are they compatible tankmates with swordtails, mollies, or platies?
thanks to anyone who will answer :D
My experience is that it depends on the individuals. I've had bettas that did fine a community tank, I've had some that beat up on other fish and I've had some that have gotten beat up on.

Though, I used to do the betta/swordtail combination quite a bit and if I recall correctly, they didn't seemed to bother each other too much. Female mollies can be a pain with any fish and I was never a big fan of the plattie (they looked too much like swordtails .... ), so maybe someone else knows more about them ...

The biggest problem I've had was with mixing bettas with guppies.

(And I always take a little time to play with my bettas. Maybe that's why mine didn't just drop all the time when they were in smaller containers.)
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AC Members
Aug 23, 2005
I had a 50 gallon community tank, with a school of silver tip tetras, some cardinals, some bleeding hearts, a couple of fancy corys, a small bristlenose and a huge pair of retired/culled marble double veiltail angels. I also had one red and one lavendar cambodian betta male in the tank. They would flare if they saw each other, but basically had territories on opposite ends of the tank. I never saw them fight. It was a planted tank with plenty of structure, wood, some piled up rock, etc. The red betta hung out in a big clump of cabomba and the cambodian stayed in some corkscrew vals that were long enough to lay along the surface of the water.
I also had a 55 that had 5 oscars, a 19" clown knife, a 20" black ghost, an Armatus spiny eel about 25" long and several catfish, a TSN, several huge striped doradid cats and a snow king pleco. I was able to keep all that rough stuff in there because I did 4 times a week 70% water changes. I generally fed feeder goldfish, feeder livebearers and some tetra tabimin and spirulina wafers for the catfish. They basically just kept growing after being introduced as babies. The eel went in there at 5" long, for instance. I worked for a fish wholesaler in West Haven, Ct. I did eventually move 4 of the oscars to 2 other 50's. They paired.The other oscar stayed in with the bruisers.
I actually spawned both pairs of oscars many times. They basically paid the rent on the apartment. I also seperated the angelfish pair because they were trying to spawn in the community tank. I gave them their own 30 gallon tank and fed them mainly live brine shrimp and some occasional daphnia, if the boss got some in. I'd get a couple of hundred angels at least once a month. I'd get upwards of a 1000 oscars at least once a month. I'd sell the oscars at about 1 and 1/2 " to the wholesaler I worked for. The angels went at around the same length.
I wound up working nights as a cook in a big restaurant, and worked mornings at the fish wholesalers. I did tank maintenance all afternoon once the fish started spawning, so it all worked out.