112G Planted Show Tank Journal!!!

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AC Members
Oct 14, 2012
Jacksonville, NC
Real Name
James Parrott
GLA Email
K2SO4- 59 grams
KNO3- 65 grams
KH2PO4- 6 grams
MgSO4- 41 grams
dry Trace Element mix- 80 grams
Dosing 1 ML per Gal

GLA website
K2SO4 – 29 grams
KNO3 – 33 grams
KH2PO4 – 3 grams
MgSO4 – 20 grams
Plantex CSM+B – 40 grams
Dosing 10 ML per Gal

Per talking through email and their website, they dont really add up BUT pick one and see what happens! As always I am here to help and GLA will also help with though emails!


AC Members
Feb 12, 2011
San Jose, CA
Real Name
Your welcome brother! I just rather someone learn from mistakes because looking back, I wish I had a lot of knowledge I have now due to all the money I flush down the toilet. I am SO glad you decided to get those ferts because you will see such a tremendous difference in your plants! To answer your question, yes, it will be fine and to back-up that statement I asked GLA about using my fridge water with its filter and they said that should be fine and even recommended me to boil it afterwards so the mixture mixes better. You don’t have to boil it though and I don’t either. But remember, your dosing chart can change and flux due to signs of deficiency that you see in your plants. If you see a plant doing something awkward, relook at your ferts and maybe up the certain fert. What I hate about it and dislike is the fact there is no right dosing mixture that works for one tank and the same for another. You will have to tweak here and there etc etc....
all right! thanks! The package should hopefully be coming in soon!:)


sorry for lack of updates! the plane crash at SFO left me stranded in texas for one extra week! just got back yesterday night!
HERE ARE SOME PICS:) The rotala really took off and so did the water wisteria...the E ten is doing pretty good, got some new runners growing! other plants are doing fine...sadly, my glosso carpet disappeared(corys uprooted and the plants died while floating)...I will hopefully replant this weekend!


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