150 Gallon Discus Tank

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San Diego Discus
Nov 18, 2008
San Diego, CA
Wow !! Very nice. I wish you were on the East coast I would have you aqua scape my show tanks. I suck at it or I am just too burned out from all the Daily WC"s

Very nice tank indeed.
Very nice tank and fish! You must have a very large kitchen! Gee, I wonder if my sons would miss the refrigerator and stove.....hmmmm....
I have considered the FX5 but I can get the 404's for around $70.00. if I buy 10 or more. We plan to set up in the 91306 area or maybe LA we have several Customers and friends bugging us to set up in their area . I will do some market research and decide where the best location will be to launch. Our signature fish are Angels we have this down to a science and are ENHANCING all our stock along with creating new strains. We will also take the Stendker Discus with us since we believe they are the best for the $ . We have not lost a single fish from Stendker but some Asian imports did not fair so well.

Thanks again,

I am in San Diego. If you ever need an ali and want to spread your market down to the Mexican border, I'd be happy to join your team! I am in the planning stages of a breeder/fry room in my garage. The garage seems to be the room of choice in California! I have never bred Angels. Discus are my passion. I have about a dozen angels in my 100 gallon. These are new additions so we'll see where that goes. Anyway, I'l let you know my progress and I look forward to hearing from you from time to time.


AC Members
Mar 17, 2008
set up in chicago..
In my basement...

Thanks for the offer !!

You could always be a distributor for us , I will help out with the tanks and get you all the supplies at wholesale cost. To tell you the truth I am getting tired of the cold and we are looking for a warmer retreat for the winter. You never know , if their is enough of a market in your area we can talk. We started out in our garage then moved to a basement and then into two basements where we currently call the shops. I am still looking for a small warehouse to put everything under one roof since the last deal fell through.


San Diego Discus
Nov 18, 2008
San Diego, CA
Wow! Yes, you are expanding well! To my knowledge, the only Discus breeder within a couple of hours of me is Inland Empire Discus which was recently sold to a new owner. San Diego really doesn't have their own. There is a store called Pet Kingdom that had one spawn from a pair they recently aquired but I'm thinking it didn't go well. They do not adhere to traditional breeding requirements, there have been no subsequent spawns and their fry have been disappearing and not in a "sales" way. These guys were just about a quarter size last week and were priced at $35.00. I'd be surprised if they sold any. Other shops sell 3" for about $45. I think we could do better than that! Is there a method that you employ to determine market viability? Just curious if there is any leg work that I could do here to check it out for you. I'll do what I can. My name is Chad Hughes BTW.