65 gallon LJ project

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Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
I did a water change a while ago and just before turning off the lights and going to rest I'm noticing that my female albino angelfish is quite suspicious, usually she likes to bite the leaves of the plants but it seems that now she is cleaning an area, and I see to my blue phantom male a bit aggressive, I'm not sure they have become a couple, if so, do you recommend taking the fry to a breeding tank ?? Or can I keep them in the tank with a farrowing net?
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Good luck!

If you want fry move the fertilized eggs out, otherwise they or the new fry will be snacks. The parents may eat them if they feel the fry are threatened too much by the other fish. Parents may also mouth the fry to move them or clean them but they may "forget to spit" . My last angel fry were carefully spit into the filter intake :eek: I didn't really want to raise them but it was hard to watch :(

Or you can move the adults to a breeding tank, wait until they lay eggs or have fry them move the adults back. It may take a couple tries for the pair to get it right, white eggs are infertile, amber/tan eggs are good. Make sure you have tiny fry foods after the first couple days of free swimming. Plan on lots of water changes, the more you do the better!

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Good luck!

If you want fry move the fertilized eggs out, otherwise they or the new fry will be snacks. The parents may eat them if they feel the fry are threatened too much by the other fish. Parents may also mouth the fry to move them or clean them but they may "forget to spit" . My last angel fry were carefully spit into the filter intake :eek: I didn't really want to raise them but it was hard to watch :(

Or you can move the adults to a breeding tank, wait until they lay eggs or have fry them move the adults back. It may take a couple tries for the pair to get it right, white eggs are infertile, amber/tan eggs are good. Make sure you have tiny fry foods after the first couple days of free swimming. Plan on lots of water changes, the more you do the better!
Thank you fishorama, today I did not observe anything that would indicate that the two angels that I mentioned had formed a couple, I also checked the area where they were cleaning the leaves and there were no eggs, just as if nothing had happened, maybe I misinterpreted and I am glad that so Whatever it was, I don't have much intention of raising angels but I must admit that those two are quite attractive and surely there would be very pretty fry.
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Give them some time, Lalo! They seem interested in the early stages of mate selection & breeding. It's fun to watch even if it takes several practice rounds or they never quite get it right :) I was given 2 female angels the laid eggs together every couple weeks. They'd carefully tend the eggs & then eat them. We got what we hoped was a male, & flirt as he might, the girls were set in their ways & drove him off

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Well, they will definitely have all the time they need, they are very beautiful angels and I have no intention of selling them or taking them out, unless something extraordinary happens, thanks for the contributions, in the end they will decide what will happen :) .
On a side note, I'm bored with the look of the tank on the right side, it still has dark gravel and rocks, however the theme of the tank has changed, I added sand in a large percentage of the bottom for the comfort of the corydoras and the bottom fish, I think they are the centerpiece of my tank and not the angels as it was in the beginning. I'm going to dismantle the right side and rearrange that area, I'm looking for new ideas on the web (very fun), I haven't uploaded a FTS in a long time, maybe that will change in the next few days:).
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