a couple of my loaches

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Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Since I rewoke old thread this for NoodleCats, I thought I'd give a quick update on my sewellia & riverish tank. Sadly my beautiful peppermint loaches in a different tank died out 6 months or so later in 2018 (sniffle). If anyone sees them or the similar rainbow loaches for sale, PLEASE tell me!!!

Today I counted 14 sewellia on the front glass & that's not counting the newest? small 1/4 " fry snuffling through the java moss/duckweed background I saw a few weeks ago. They are mixed sizes from 2 inches to barely 1/2 inch total length. I was told (by their AC breeder) tank raised sewellia are smaller than wild caught adults. They are the slowest growing fry I've ever kept!! I think it may take 3 years to get to "tank bred" adult 2 inches. I may be up to F4s (4 generations removed from wild caught) but I have no way to tell. I'm happy with a fry or a few every year.

Last year or 3? I saw a large male with some ragged edges to all his paired fins. I "think" he must have been an original loach. I did not see him among the 14 on the glass last night. It doesn't mean he has died, just that I haven't seen him lately...I also have not seen the old stiphodon goby survivor that I see once or twice/year. Last year he looked a bit more blue than I'd seen him in a few years' sightings.

I haven't had schooling little fish in this tank fora long while. I had Vietnamese white clouds (micagemmae) & a couple regular whiteclouds, 3 species of stiphodon gobies (cool fish!) & later leopard danios ( a color variety of zebra danios).

I've been researching NoodleCats' sarawakenis rasboras (you know it Cass!!), they may be next!. I need to make sure my unheated tank is ok for them in my California house. It's been a while since I had either a heater or themometer there.


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Feb 26, 2020
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Since I rewoke old thread this for NoodleCats, I thought I'd give a quick update on my sewellia & riverish tank. Sadly my beautiful peppermint loaches in a different tank died out 6 months or so later in 2018 (sniffle). If anyone sees them or the similar rainbow loaches for sale, PLEASE tell me!!!

Today I counted 14 sewellia on the front glass & that's not counting the newest? small 1/4 " fry snuffling through the java moss/duckweed background I saw a few weeks ago. They are mixed sizes from 2 inches to barely 1/2 inch total length. I was told (by their AC breeder) tank raised sewellia are smaller than wild caught adults. They are the slowest growing fry I've ever kept!! I think it may take 3 years to get to "tank bred" adult 2 inches. I may be up to F4s (4 generations removed from wild caught) but I have no way to tell. I'm happy with a fry or a few every year.

Last year or 3? I saw a large male with some ragged edges to all his paired fins. I "think" he must have been an original loach. I did not see him among the 14 on the glass last night. It doesn't mean he has died, just that I haven't seen him lately...I also have not seen the old stiphodon goby survivor that I see once or twice/year. Last year he looked a bit more blue than I'd seen him in a few years' sightings.

I haven't had schooling little fish in this tank fora long while. I had Vietnamese white clouds (micagemmae) & a couple regular whiteclouds, 3 species of stiphodon gobies (cool fish!) & later leopard danios ( a color variety of zebra danios).

I've been researching NoodleCats' sarawakenis rasboras (you know it Cass!!), they may be next!. I need to make sure my unheated tank is ok for them in my California house. It's been a while since I had either a heater or themometer there.
What's the temperature of the tank? If it sits no lower than 72, sarawakensis would fare fine. A nice cozy 75 is great though.

A friend of mine has hillstreams and they breed like rabbits. Babies all the time lol
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Ooops, I kinda remember it was 72F-ish but I don't recall if that was winter (likely) or summer (probably warmer). I used to have a thermometer in there but found it an extreme algae coated mess while weeding plants 1 time. Not worth cleaning. Then I used my TDS meter temp feature once in a while but not much. I probably have some ancient thermometers somewhere but I'll wait for the TDS meter in my online basket. The finger test says good for whatever that means, lol.

I think I told you I may be able to get those rasboras locally. That would be better, no shipping & I can actually see the fish first. & then there's the QT tank thing...well, not too soon...
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Feb 26, 2020
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Totes make great quarantine bins
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I have a 20g long & other stuff for a QT. It's just finding a place by outlets that isn't tucked away where I'll forget it. I think I mentioned to "tank stand" turned electronics parking lot...
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Feb 26, 2020
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Yeah, that could do it, but there's always a corner to tuck something away lol and plug in an air pump for a sponge filter and a plug for a heater. Don't really need much for a light if you can't fit it. Just peek in with flashlight to check for any topical issues. But that's me having to get creative sometimes lol
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
LOL, that's the difference between an apartment & even a small a house. I had more tanks in a 1 BR Uni apt than I have now. Well, number of tanks, maybe fewer gallons...I had more in our 1st, then went slightly tank (loach) crazy in our second house. I didn't work then & was a water changing/tank cleaning/gardening/cooking/DIY house fix up nut!! Add snow shoveling & some exercising, I was sorta buff back in those days (ha!)...Now, a bit more sq. footage, less energy & knowing my aging limits...& even dealing with drought here, WCs are smaller...
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Feb 26, 2020
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I'm fortunate to live in an area that doesn't experience true drought. Our water is sourced from the Great Lakes. I'd be beside myself and probably very limited on tanks if I were in your shoes.

Forget the plug issue, the water shortage would be a bigger problem lol
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Well, pretty good this year so far. It's always a crossed fingers as we head toward drier summer...there's no telling...

Actually my newest house has more plugs than we've ever had before on each wall but it doesn't fix everything...
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Feb 26, 2020
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Lack of plugs is my husband's biggest pet peeve with this hobby. He says I'm using them all and he can never find one available 😂