a predicament

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AC Members
Nov 16, 2004
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Oh, also, save your old smaller tanks if you have space. They can serve as temporary quarantine tanks when you need them so they don't count as actual fish tanks. That's how fish math works. Ideally you could keep one of your tiny filters in your new big tank. It will add to filtration which is never bad. It will keep a live bacteria colony growing in it. When you need a QT tank, you can just take the small filter off your new 30, use water from your 30 to fill your temp QT tank, and then put your fish in the small tank for a bit. It sounds like you already have everything you need.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I would not keep an RT shark in less than a 4 ft tank. As much as I've loved them over the years, they will bully other fish or jump out in a smaller tank. 55g minimum for an RT.

A 75g is my favorite tank size! But some of your fish would be happier with several of their same species. Don't be tempted to keep a couple of many species. Larger numbers of a few kinds of fish will give you a more stable tank as far as aggression & behavior goes.

IME sharks (RTs & rainbows) dislike corydoras & almost any low dwelling fish like loaches that may compete for territories. If you go that route, have several "caves" but it's a hard thing to get it just right. Have a back up plan when things go south; they might.
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AC Members
May 20, 2024
I think you're about to find out that you're better at it than you thought. It's tough to keep fish stable in tiny tanks. 30 gallons will give you a lot more buffer. If you had 5 fish in a 5 gallon tank, and those same 5 fish in a 30 gallon tank, the chemistry is 6x more forgiving. My first advice is to stock slowly and test your water regularly. Stocking slowly, shopping every month instead of filling the tank tomorrow, gives the bacteria colony time to adjust to your new friends. Beyond that, there is so much great advice from people here and so much to learn that it is a lifelong journey and tons of fun. Good luck!
okay i will do that, thank you for believing in me i will also go have a look through some other threads


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
You can do fine with a 10 gallon just don't over stock it; this is mine:

Having said that having more water does it make it easier to keep an aquarium stable. The key whether the tank is small or large is to keep it sparsely populated. In my 29 (volume similar to a 30 but shape is different); I have 3 a. winkelfleck and 5 pangio. That's it. pangio have very very low bioload so basically 3 a. winkelfleck. This is a winkie:


He is around 2 1/2 inch and the females are around 1/2 that size.
The point is that the #1 mistake people make when new is to stuff too many fishes into a small glass box.
(and yea I'm guilty as everyone else). Always want just one more fish....
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AC Members
May 20, 2024
You can do fine with a 10 gallon just don't over stock it; this is mine:
View attachment 233221

Having said that having more water does it make it easier to keep an aquarium stable. The key whether the tank is small or large is to keep it sparsely populated. In my 29 (volume similar to a 30 but shape is different); I have 3 a. winkelfleck and 5 pangio. That's it. pangio have very very low bioload so basically 3 a. winkelfleck. This is a winkie:

View attachment 233222

He is around 2 1/2 inch and the females are around 1/2 that size.
The point is that the #1 mistake people make when new is to stuff too many fishes into a small glass box.
(and yea I'm guilty as everyone else). Always want just one more fish....
that you for advice, im going to have a look into the bio load of the zebra danios i would like to get and the Bristol nose... also what do you recommend for filters? i have been looking at a small-ish sponge filter, i already have a air pump so it would be relatively easy to set up. at the moment i have a 101f internal filter and it seams like too much flow.

also very pretty fish, the pangio are really interesting but it sucks how they seem to just all the time


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
that you for advice, im going to have a look into the bio load of the zebra danios i would like to get and the Bristol nose... also what do you recommend for filters? i have been looking at a small-ish sponge filter, i already have a air pump so it would be relatively easy to set up. at the moment i have a 101f internal filter and it seams like too much flow.

also very pretty fish, the pangio are really interesting but it sucks how they seem to just all the time
For a 30 gallon I would use a matte filter (swisstropical sell them but shipping is expensive); or small hob/canister. A matten filter is like a sponge filter on steriod. A simple sponge filter depending on bioload on 30 is near the limit - you would definitely want 2 or 3 - the issue is the ability to move water across the entire tank something a matten filter is better suited.
danio have low bio load as long as you don't over feed (another common mistake); bn pleco is very high bio load.
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AC Members
May 20, 2024
For a 30 gallon I would use a matte filter (swisstropical sell them but shipping is expensive); or small hob/canister. A matten filter is like a sponge filter on steriod. A simple sponge filter depending on bioload on 30 is near the limit - you would definitely want 2 or 3 - the issue is the ability to move water across the entire tank something a matten filter is better suited.
danio have low bio load as long as you don't over feed (another common mistake); bn pleco is very high bio load.
well that sucks about the high bio load for the bn pleco. After seeing that mattenfiilter it seems like obviously the correct option. this is because most likely i will end up with a cabinet and a lid, so a hob filter might not work, and the canister filters are pretty expensive. so the piece of pvc pipe with air running through it attached to filter medium seems comedically easy. also the matten filter would let me adjust the flow much better, the current pump is only adjustable by changing the head on the outlet. and i have seen and heard about zebra danios being very active, do you think they would jumpy? if so maybe not the hob filter

im sorry my paragraph isnt very well written lol


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
danio do jump; you can google matten filter if swiss tropical is too expensive. One negative of a matten filter is it takes up room in the aquarium. There are small canister filters around $80. You could put in 3 or 4 small sponge filter across the aquarium; as long as the bio load is fairly low it should work.

The pvc for a matten filter is slightly more complicated as the bottom has a bunch of tiny holes (pin size); I did a bit of googling and there are places that will sell matten filter for approx 1/2 the cost of swiss tropical by the time you include shipping. Can't comment on them since i haven't used them hence no link.
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AC Members
May 20, 2024
danio do jump; you can google matten filter if swiss tropical is too expensive. One negative of a matten filter is it takes up room in the aquarium. There are small canister filters around $80. You could put in 3 or 4 small sponge filter across the aquarium; as long as the bio load is fairly low it should work.

The pvc for a matten filter is slightly more complicated as the bottom has a bunch of tiny holes (pin size); I did a bit of googling and there are places that will sell matten filter for approx 1/2 the cost of swiss tropical by the time you include shipping. Can't comment on them since i haven't used them hence no link.
im wandering down to the family run fish shop near me tomorrow so ill have a look if they have the matten filters, ill see for the sponge filters too. ill keep you updated on my escapades :)