accomodating a pair of 1" yoyo loaches <3

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someone gave them to me as a surprise! but the 2 little things tried to dig into my gravel. i'm replacing a strip of my gravel with roughly an inch and a half of sand, but don't want to change the rest yet.

my question is: is it okay to use sand from outside? my yard is about half sand half dirt. i've cleaned the sand, rinsing and straining until the water comes out clear and getting rid of rocks/leaves. could they use it and be comfortable?

Shane Reynolds

AC Members
Oct 8, 2006
I wouldn't chance it. You never know what could have gotten on your sand (pesticides, gasoline, even e coli). You can pick up some playground sand at Home Depot pretty cheap. They will be fine with most any substrate that doesn't have pointy edges. They're usually pretty hardy and not too picky about conditions as long as your water is well-filtered. They will come to the top to feed (they're too impatient to wait for anything to sink) and they will "smack." Sometimes they will do it to remind you that they're hungry. My wife likes to ask, "Will you please ask your fish to be quiet?"
no chems have been used in the yard. my stepmom's too poor =P and the previous owner had actually had the entire yard covered in wood before. it got torn down when Josie moved here. you guys sure it's not safe?
i thought yoyo loaches get to be about 4 inches long?? they should be fine in my tank..?


AC Members
Jun 9, 2006
They need lots of room to play, they are very active fish. Mine went from 2 inches to 4+ within 6 months too. I would say a 20 gallon won't fit them for long at all.
then it's a good thing i'm giving the 20g to my stepbro before too long and getting a 45g =D then i can get another pair of loaches to go with these, no?

Sensei just came out of the pagoda to eat. those two little weirdos sleep in there. i wish they stayed this small, because they're so cute!
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