Aggressive Cherry Barbs

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AC Members
May 2, 2008
Maryland, USA
I need some advice on how to deal with a couple of aggressive cherry barbs.

In my 20g I have 1 male cherry barbs, 3 females, and maybe 3 fry. In my 65g I have 1 male and 2 females. See my sig below for the other fish in these tanks.

Both male cherry barbs are very aggressive, toward the other species as well as the female barbs. These guys are always in the mating mood, bright red, and chasing all the other fish. They try to entice the females to their part of the tank and obviously the guy in 20g has succeeded. In the 65g there is a lot of room so the other fish are not as bothered. But in the 20g most of the other fish are in a constant state of fear. I just got 3 guppies two days ago and they are always hiding somewhere. I haven't seen one of the guppies for more than a day.

So how do I deal with these guys? Should I move the 20g male into the 65g? Would the two males then spend time harassing each other and leave the rest alone? Or would that more trouble?

Why can't they all just get along?


Cubs in '10
Jan 12, 2008
Denver, CO
This is why I believe that a 20G isn't big enough for Cherry Barbs. The males usually spend time chasing the females...perhaps adding a few more females could help keep him busy.


AC Members
Nov 28, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Barbs tend to be nippy, even the small ones, like the Cherry Barbs. It varies from fish to fish but if your barbs are that aggressive, removing them to a tank where they aren't going to be nippy is the only answer unfortunately.


AC Members
Sep 22, 2006
I have one tank with one female and 4 male cherry barbs. This was not a conscious combination, but just turned out this way. I have the feeling that the male barbs cancel each other out. They are too busy among themselves to bother others.

So, maybe, you don't have enough male barbs in the problem tank?


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Good suggestion, Ulan. I had aggressive cherry barb males too. I wonder if they aren't kept in hormone treated water so they look extra pretty. Mine last ones were always very red. In earlier years cherry barbs seemed shy, hid in the plants & only got bright red when ready to spawn. The recent ones never had an "off-season". Mine were in a 55g, 4 ft tank with silver tipped tetra, also surprisingly aggressive.


AC Members
Sep 22, 2006
Good suggestion, Ulan. I had aggressive cherry barb males too. I wonder if they aren't kept in hormone treated water so they look extra pretty. Mine last ones were always very red. In earlier years cherry barbs seemed shy, hid in the plants & only got bright red when ready to spawn. The recent ones never had an "off-season". Mine were in a 55g, 4 ft tank with silver tipped tetra, also surprisingly aggressive.
I noticed the same. They are always a deep red. That's probably better for the store, where fish that only color up at adults or in good conditions don't sell.
I really don't think adding more males would be the answer, unless he also added more females.
Well, I can only talk from my limited experience, but the combination of one female to 4 males doesn't seem to be too stressful for the female. Usually, if one male stalks her, another one follows suit, then they both discover each other and forget about the female. Seems to work every time :D.


AC Members
May 2, 2008
Maryland, USA
Keep the suggestions coming. Getting another tank is out of the question. But I can certainly move around the fish that I have. I might be able to convince my daughter to let me take all the barbs into the big tank. Maybe I'll trade her for some of my neon tetras. These 5 year olds are pretty demanding.

I do have a total of 2 males and 5 females. Maybe putting them all together in the big tank will solve the problem. I'll leave the babies in the small tank until they grow up a bit.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Don't have just 2 males, the tougher will kill the wimpy. My suggestion for the 2 tanks in your sig add 3-4 male cherry barbs to the 65. move the kids barbs to your tank & get a few more rasboras for the 20. You could get 5-6 corys or kuhli loaches if they whine about loosing cute fish & if you help with maintenance ;)


AC Members
Apr 19, 2008
corona, ca
adding more males with just make things worse.. more females will give them extra distraction but this will also lead to more breeding.. putting them in the bigger tank and or giving them more hiding places will also help